Chapter 11

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Brooklyn's P.O.V

"So what can I buy my beautiful girlfriend?" Jay said.

"Nothing. I'm paying for myself." I said stubbornly. I took my ice tea and walked to the cash register.

"No your my girlfriend and I'm paying for you." Jay grabbed the ice grab out of my hand.

"Jay no! You always pay for me."

"Duh because I love you."

"Awww that's sweet but your still not paying for me." I tried to grab the ice tea out of his hand.

"Fine I'll let you pay if you run back to the refrigerators and grab me a coke." He said. I nodded my head and began walking towards the refrigerator.

I grabbed Jay's coke. When I turned around I saw him take a coke out of his hoodie and he was paying for both of us. I ran towards him.

"You liar you said I could pay for myself." I said looking down at his coke.

"Shut up your getting free ice tea." He joked. I elbowed him in his stomach but not too hard.

We walked out of the store and made our way to the bus. It was empty since most of the children were outside.

"Thanks Jay." I gave him a kiss on his cheek. He blushed and it was so cute.

"Thanks for what?" He asked,looking into my eyes. His eyes were like stars. His just so...perfect.

"Just thanks for everything you've done for me." When I finished he pulled me into a hug.

We both pulled away. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, but moved his attention to my lips. He leaned in and I did the same. Our lips connected. He pulled me closer to him and I played with his hair. The kiss was long, but we had to pull away when we heard the footsteps of our classmates entering the bus. I heard Jay groan. His so cute.

Am I falling in love with Jay. I think I am, his so sweet, funny, respectful and so joyful he can light up the darkest room.

I felt Jay grab my hand and intertwined our fingers. He just looked down the whole time. I lift his head up. He turned his head to me and smiled.

"I love you Jay." I said to him. A wide smile appeared on his face.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that?" He said with a smile. I blushed, his grip on my hand tightened. I placed my head on his chest and I just listened to his heart beat.

Jay has always been there for me and now it's my turn to return it. I don't need Josh, I have Jay. His all I need and more.

Jay gave me one of his earphones and I placed it into my ear. He had the other one in his ear. Justin Timberlake-Not A Bad Thing, began to play.

"2 more hours then we're at Yale." Jay said with a smile.

"I hope." I said.

Jay and I both began to fall asleep. I hope someone wakes us up.

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