Part 1

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"Class, may I have your attention please?" The door shuts behind Mrs. Layman. Cas ignores her, as he usually does, and continues to stare out the window at the clouds high above. He loved looking at the sky, imaging what it would feel like to soar through them; it was also the only thing that got him through this class without going crazy of boredom and hunger. He sighs. "Class, I'd like to introduce you to our new student." That catches Cas's attention; there are not many new kids that move to his school. The boy standing at the front of the class is tall with brown hair and bright green eyes, his hands are shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket and he shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot. "Class, meet Dean Winchester. Mr. Winchester you can take a seat..," the teacher scans the classroom before spotting an open seat and smiling, "Take a seat behind Mr. Novak please." Dean walks down the aisle and slides into the desk behind Cas. Mrs. Layman turns and starts writing on the whiteboard. Cas opens his notebook and starts to scribble down notes when a hand taps him on the shoulder. Cas turns in surprise to see the new kid, Dean, looking at him.

"Can I borrow some paper?" Cas studies him for a moment; he notices freckles sprinkled across his face and a slight smirk placed on his lips. Cas snaps back to reality and nods before reaching down and pulling a piece of paper from his bag. The rest of the class goes by and finally the bell rings. Cas gathers his things, he goes to stand but does not get too far. A large hand comes down and smacks the papers and notebook from Cas's hand before shoving him back to his seat.

"Get out of the way loser." The jock sneers before walking off laughing with his friends. Cas does not retaliate, he just starts regathering his papers. Someone bends down beside him. Cas stands and the person holds out a stray piece of paper to him.

"Thanks." Cas says dropping his blue gaze to the ground.

"No problem, those guys are real D-bags huh?" Dean states. Cas snorts.

"You've got no idea." Dean laughs, after a second he sticks out his hand.

"I'm Dean. Dean Winchester." Cas looks up, he reaches out and hesitantly takes the other boy's hand.

"I'm Castiel Novak." Dean smiles.

"Nice to meet you Cas."

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