Chapter 15

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Dean huffs as he drops his bag on the ground and flops down in a seat next to Sam. Cas sits in front of Sam and Gabriel in front of Dean. Crowley is in a chair a few seats away reading.

"This friggin sucks." Dean complains. Sam glares at him.

"Had you not ran around the halls like a maniac we wouldn't be here." Gabriel snickers at Sam's statement. Dean opens his mouth to reply when the detention chaperone walks in.

"Quiet. Gabriel, turn around and do some homework. Maybe it'll help get your grade from a 40% to a 50%." Gabriel sighs.

"Ahhh a boy can only dream." Everyone is silently working when a knock makes them all jump. Crowley gets up and opens the door. The teacher looks up and glares.

"You're late, Meg." She feigns hurt pressing a hand to her heart.

"Warden, that's no way to greet your favorite student!" The teacher continues to glare.

"Shut up and sit down." She does as she is told. A little while later Crowley raises his hand.

"I have to use the little lads room." The teacher rolls his eyes before gesturing for him to go. As soon as Crowley closes the door, a beep sounds on the speakers in the room and Mrs. Ellen's, the receptionist, static covered voice speaks.

"Sam and Dean Winchester to the office please." The boys stand and hurry out the door eager to get away. When they reach the office, they are surprised to see their dad standing there. He looks at them, something about him seems off; he was more tense than usual and his eyes flicked to the corners of the room nervously. He pulls the boys to the side.

"We have to go. We have to go right now." He whispers frantically. Dean scrunches his eyebrows.

"What do you mean dad? What about our friends? What about Cas?" John shakes his head.

"We have to leave NOW. He's found us." Dean steps back, he's never seen his dad like this. Sam looks at John.

"Who's found us? You sound insane dad." John reaches out to grab his boys.

"No time. We have to-" a shot rings out and Sam and Dean drop low. John looks at his boys one last time, the light leaves his eyes, and he crumples to the ground.

"NO!" Dean screams once his brain catches up with his eyes. He takes a step forward then feels a hand grip his arm tight.

"Dean...." He hears his little brother whisper. Dean raises his eyes, and for a split second his heart stops. Standing before him, clad in dark clothes and a hood wearing a cold smile is the man of his nightmares.

"You....who are you!?" Dean yells. He pushes Sam behind him.

"My real name doesn't matter, but you can call me Azazel." Dean glares at him.

"What do you want?" Azazel's smile grows wider and colder.

"I want to take everything from you, just like John Winchester took everything from me. You see, me and your dad go way back. You know how your dad goes on his business trips? Well a long time ago he went on in Chicago, and Daddy got veeeerrry drunk. He thought he could still drive. I'm sure he saw everything that night; everything except a little blue car and the red light. My pregnant wife was in that car. She died on impact. So you see, since I didn't get my happy ending, why should he." Azazel gestures to John. "The plan was to kill him last, but plans change. Say night night boys." As Azazel raises his gun, someone jumps out and tackles him.

"RUN! GO!" Mrs. Ellen screams. They waste no time. Sam and Dean race down the halls until they find the classroom. The room is dark and appears empty. Dean raps on the glass gently.

"Cas? Cas, are you there?" He calls quietly. The door opens a little and Castiel pulls them in before closing and locking it.

"What happened?" Cas hisses.

"There is a crazy dude trying to kill us." Dean says looking around for a way out. "Of course we're in the one room with no friggin windows! Where's the teacher?" He whisper yells.

"He went to find Crowley." Gabriel explains. Meg couches beside them; she holds up a finger for silence.

"Listen." The faint sound of footsteps echo through the door; they grow closer with every second. Sam's face pales.

"He's coming."

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