Part 3

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Cas hops up from the couch as a knock sounds at the door. "I've got it!" He calls. He opens the front door to see both of the Winchester's. "Hey come in." Cas steps aside to let the other boys in. Dean takes in his surroundings as he walks into the large house.

"Thanks. Uh sorry we're late. We got held up." Dean explains. Cas shrugs.

"No problem." Footsteps approach them.

"Who is it, Castiel?" A man with dark hair and blue eyes steps around the corner drying his hands on a dishtowel.

"Oh umm it's my friends. Michael this is Sam and Dean Winchester, Sam and Dean this is my older brother Michael." Cas says. Michael looks over the two boys and smiles.

"Pleasure. Castiel has told us a lot about the two of you." Michael shakes Dean's hand. At Michael's remark, Dean gives Cas a questioning glance; Cas looks everywhere but at Dean. "Are you hungry? We were just about to eat dinner." Michael asks.

"Umm sure. Thank you." Dean says. They follow Cas and Michael into the dining room.

"Take a seat anywhere," Michael says putting the dishtowel down, "Gabriel, dinner!" He yells. Footsteps thunder down the stairs; a boy, not much older than Dean, swings around the corner into the room. He stops when he sees the two extra people, his hazel eyes study Sam and Dean before he smirks and takes a seat near the head of the table. Dean narrows his eyes at the boy's back, he had an uneasy feeling about him. Cas sits next to Dean and Sam sits next to him. Michael skillfully carries a plate of burgers, a pot of macaroni, and bag of buns all at once. Dean inhales and sighs inwardly, he hadn't smelled food like this in a while. Michael hands out, plates, buns, and everything else. Everyone digs in. Gabriel snickers when he notices Sam devouring his food like a starved hyena, that earns him a glare from Dean; Gabriel just sticks his tongue out then quickly goes back to eating before his older brother sees. After a bit, everyone finishes dinner. "Gabriel, do the dishes." Michael says. Gabriel looks up, a mix of irritation and confusion paints his expression.

"But it's Cas's turn!" He protests. Michael turns to him.

"Castiel has guests over, not to mention he did not stick his tongue out at our company." Gabriel opens his mouth to say something, then he snaps it shut and walks dejectedly over to the sink. Dean bites his cheek to keep the grin off his face, but barely covers his laugh with a cough; Michael looks over at him. Dean detects the hint of a smile on Michael's lips.

"Hey Dean, do you wanna go start on the project?" Cas asks. Dean sighs then nods.

"I guess we ought to." He follows Cas then plops down on the couch next to him.

"Ok so I was thinking we could do The Civil War. It's easy but has a lot to it."Cas explains.

"Sounds great." Dean agrees. Gabriel, finally finished with the dishes, walks in and makes himself comfortable in a recliner. Sam sits on the arm of the couch next to Dean watching TV. Cas and Dean work for hours until finally, Dean yawns and sighs. "Alright, me and Sammy have to get home." Dean stands and stretches his arms above his head. He spots Gabriel, passed out with one arm slung over his eyes, and shakes his head; he then turns to Michael and shakes his hand. "Thank you for dinner." He says politely. Michael smiles.

"No problem. You and your brother are welcome here any time. Castiel, would you walk our guests to the door?" Michael says it more as a command than a question. Cas nods. Sam and Dean follow him to the door and exit when Cas holds it open for them. Dean turns back to face Cas.

"Uh, thanks for having us. Should I come back tomorrow?" He asks. Cas nods.

"Yeah, yeah that'd be great." He states. "Ok see ya then." Dean says before he and Sam climb into their Impala. Dean revs the engine and drives off into the night.

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