Part 11

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Cas's eyes flutter open; the smell of bacon, eggs, and honey drift through the air along with the sound of soft laughter and conversation. Cas sits up and shakes his head slightly to clear the sleepy fog surrounding his thoughts. Something tickles  the back of his throat; he coughs and the feeling lessens. Dean looks up and chuckles seeing Cas's ruffled, dark hair and rumpled clothes.

"Morning sleepyhead." He says standing up and walking a cup of coffee over to Cas. Cas gives a small wave before taking the drink from Dean and sipping it. "Sleep good?" Dean asks. Cas nods. "Good." Dean sits down beside Cas and reaches out gently running a thumb over the cut on his face. Cas freezes watching Dean inspect his bruises and cuts. Dean narrows his eyes then pulls his hand away and nods. "It looks better than yesterday." He states before switching on the t.v. and flipping through the channels. Sam and Gabriel join them in the living room. Most of Gabriel's fight seems to have drained out of him from the night before. The boys spend most of the day being lazy, sleeping on and off watching t.v. As the day goes on a headache grows behind Castiel's eyes. He curls up on the couch listening to the newscaster drone on and drifts off to sleep. When he reawakens, grey twilight shines outside the window. He goes to sit up and gasps, the room swirls and he leans back again; he swallows and tears prick his eyes, it feels like a cat sharpened its claws on his throat. Dean looks over at him and furrows his brows. "Hey Cas you ok? You don't look too good." He states. Dean reaches out a hand then retracts it quickly after touching Cas's head. "Holy crap, you're burning up! I'm gonna go see if we have any fever medicine." Dean get up and hurries to the bathroom. Cas struggles to keep his eyes open, and just before Dean returns he finally cannot hold them open any longer and he falls back asleep.

A gentle shake causes Cas to open his eyes.

"Cas, Cas come on. Michael is here. Gabriel went to go get medicine because we didn't have and any Michael came to pick you up." Sam says quietly. Cas sits up a little and grabs his head.

" hurts." He groans. Michael's worried face comes into view, he bends down and puts an arm around Cas's waist.

"Come on little brother, let's get you home." Michael half carries Cas to the car and loads him in. Dean leans against the door frame, worry clouding his green gaze. Every horrible sickness runs through his mind, then he shakes his head. 'He'll be fine.' Dean thinks to himself. 'He'll be just fine.'

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