Part 6

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The next morning Sam and Dean go home and rest before school the next day. A few weeks go by and Cas and Dean make a couple of final touches on their project before, finally, presentation day arrives. "Mr. Novak, Mr. Winchester, you have the floor." Mrs. Layman says gesturing for the boys to proceed. Dean clicks a button on the computer and the project pops up on a screen at the front of the room.

"Ok, so our project is on the Civil War." Dean says in an uninterested tone, he clicks another button and the slide switches. Dean sits back and lets Cas rattle off facts reading a few lines off the screen here and there. When they finish the last slide, the class claps and Mrs. Layman flips the lights on.

"Very good boys, who's next?" When the bell rings, the boys walk to lunch together. Cas sits down beside Dean and starts eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, he gets lost in his own thoughts and does not realize Dean is talking to him until Dean snaps his fingers in Cas's face. Cas jumps and turns to him.

"Did you turn in that slip to the office?" Dean reminds him. Cas's eyes widen.

"Crap, no! I'll be back." He says digging through his bag and pulling the slip out of his bag. Cas rushes off and turns the slightly crumpled slip in just as the councilor picks them up. He walks out of the office and starts back toward the cafeteria when a shoulder slams him against the wall. Cas looks up to see three of the football players, including the captain, standing in a semicircle around him.

"Where's your little boyfriend Castiel?" The captain sneers.

"He's not my boyfriend and why do you want to know where Dean is." Cas replies.

"We've got a bone to pick with him." Cas shrugs.

"I don't know where he is, now get out of my way so I can go eat." Cas starts to step around the other boy, but is shoved back again.

"Not so fast. I know you know where he is. Tell us and maybe we'll leave you alone, don't tell us and probably don't need me to finish." The captain explains leaning over him. Cas glares up at him.

"I don't know where he is. Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Cas spits. Suddenly, Cas's head jerks sideways and his jaw starts to throb. He gently touches his jawbone and feels the knot already forming.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" The boys turn to see Sam run around the corner of the hall. He rushes over and places himself between Cas and the football players.

"Stay out of this kid. This ain't your fight." The captain says pushing Sam out of the way and turning his attention back to Cas. The captain raises his fist to hit Cas again then doubles over in pain. Sam catches him across the cheek.

"I said, leave. Him. Alone." Sam growls. The captain stands up straight and glares down at Sam, he regains his balance then rears back and lands a hard blow to Sam. The smaller boy hits the ground, blood dripping from a cut across his right cheek made by the captain's huge class ring. The captain jerks Sam up and pulls back his fist to hit him again, but is stopped. He turns to see Dean, red faced and angry. Dean twists the player's arm behind his back then shoves him up against the wall.

"Don't you EVER touch my brother again or I will kill you." Dean lets go of the boy and goes to walk away, but the captain is determined not to lose. He swings and Dean ducks. They dance back and forth, in the end Dean stands over the captain pressing a foot to his throat with nothing more than a bloody lip.

"Ok, ok. You win." The captain rasps. Dean hesitates then steps back. The captain and his friends then slink off. Dean waits to make sure they are gone before running over to Sam. Dean grabs his brother looking him up and down.

"Sammy, are you ok?" Sam bats him brother's hands away.

"Dean, I'm fine. I'm fine." After he is satisfied that Sam is ok, he turns his attention to Cas. He looks the other boy over and sees he is ok. Anger boils inside Dean's veins.

"This is your fault, Cas! If you would just stand up for yourself me and Sammy wouldn't have to!" He yells. Cas is taken aback.

"Dean, I-" Cas starts.

"No! Shut up! Just, shut up! Leave us alone." Dean grabs Sam and drags down the hall leaving Cas to watch as his best friend walks away and does not look back.

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