Part 7

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Cas picks up his sandwich and takes a bite. The sun warms the grey concrete around him. It has been two weeks since his fight with Dean, and they still have not spoken to one another. Cas sets his sandwich down and turns digging in is bag for his Coke. When he looks back, his sandwich is gone, being carried away by a stray mutt. "Hey! What...that's not yours! You've got to be kidding!" He says leaping up. He huffs in frustration. A chuckle catches his attention, Cas looks up to see a shorter girl with wavy brown hair leaning against a wall in the shadows. Cas watches her warily as she pushes away from the wall and struts toward him.

"Having trouble?" She asks. Cas narrows his eyes making her laugh again. "Well you're a friendly one." She starts. The girl looks Cas up and down before smiling and introducing herself. "I'm Meg." She states.

"Castiel." He answers. She smiles and just looks at him for a moment before reaching in her bag and pulling out a PB and J.

"Here, we'll split it." She tears the sandwich in half offering Cas part of it, she pulls it back just before he grabs it. She grins. "You can have it as long as I get half your Coke." Cas cocks his head then smiles and nods.
Sam presses himself against the wall panting hard. Footsteps echo down the hall. "Come out Winchester! You can't hide for long!" An angry voice calls. Sam looks around and sees a hallway breaking off from the main one, he starts to make a run for it but hesitates a second too long. A huge hand grabs his shoulder and pins him to the wall. The captain of the football team glares down at him, chunks of hair missing from his scalp. Sam grins, he may or may not have switched the captains shampoo with hair removal liquid. Gabriel had suggested it as a more subtle way to get revenge on someone. "I'm gonna knock that smile off your face, Winchester!" The captain growls. Just as the football player pulls back to hit Sam, someone clears their throat and the two boys turn to see who it is.

"Hello boys." A boy stands with his hands behind his back and a smirk on his face, his voice is deep and gravelly with a British accent set deep in it. His clothes are black and crisp from the collar of his shirt right down to his Italian leather shoes.

"Get out of here Brit Boy. This is none of you business." The captain spits. The boy in black raises his eyebrows and nods. "Alright, I'll go. Also, I'm sure Annie would just love to know what you and...oh who was it this time....Jenna, that's right, what you and Jenna were doing in 'tutoring' yesterday." He drawls. All blood drains from the captain's face. He releases Sam, gives him one last glare, then walls off down the hall. Sam turns to the British boy.

"Thanks. I'm Sam. Sam Winchester." Sam sticks out a hand. The boy simply looks at Sam's hand; when it becomes apparent the boy is not going to shake Sam's hand, he pulls it back.

"The name's Crowley." Sam nods at him. "That was quite a pickle you were in." Crowley states walking toward Sam.

"Yeah well, he deserved it." Sam says. The two boys walk down the hall.

"Oh I agree. The guy is a complete twatt." Sam laughs.

"Yeah he is." The two reach the end of the hall and face each other. "Thanks again. If you ever need something just ask." Sam says. Crowley smiles.

"I will. It was a pleasure to meet you, Sam Winchester. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon."

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