Chapter 16

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"Maybe it's Crowley." Gabriel starts to stand but Dean grabs him and pulls him down.

"And maybe it's not." The kids hold their breath as the footsteps pause at their door. When they move on, Dean lets out a slow breath; he waits until the steps have faded before standing just enough to peek out the window. "Alright we are gonna open the door and head to the office. Be as quiet as possible." Dean says, hand on the handle. "Three, two, one. Go!" He whispers pulling the door open. They file out and creep down the hall as quietly as they can. They are almost there when another shot rings out. Dean hisses as a stinging pain shoots through his arm. "Get down but keep moving!" He says through gritted teeth. They dive to the sides and almost crawl. They turn a corner and stand running. They slip behind a wall to breathe. Cas looks over at Dean and his blue eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Dean! You're bleeding!" He rushes over pulling Dean's hand away from the wound. Dean brushes him off.

"It just grazed me, I'm fine. We have to get out of here." He says poking his head around the corner. He starts to say something then closes his mouth when more steps approach. They all freeze. Meg balls her hands into fists turning her knuckles white as a tear slips down her cheek.

"Hey, morons. Where are you? I'm sticking my neck out for you so come out." Crowley whispers. Dean closes his eyes and relaxes.

"Right here." They walk around the corner.

"Good now come on before we get shot." Crowley leads them down the hall to the gym.

"There, the exit!" Sam points. Then start to run, but they don't get far.

"Not so fast! Run and I shoot, turn around slowly." They hold up their hands and do as they are told. Azazel grins. "Alright who's first? Sam," he points the gun at Sam, "Or Dean?" He swings the barrel to Dean. Cas glares then places himself between Dean and the barrel.

"Over my dead body." For a moment surprise flashes through Azazel's eyes, then a serpentine smile slithers across his face.

"No problem." The hammer cocks back, clicks, then bam. Castiel squeezes his eyes shut and braces for the pain, but it doesn't come. He opens his eyes; Meg turns slowly toward home clutching her stomach, blood runs through her fingers. She stumbles forward and Cas catches her. Sam sees an opportunity and takes it. He rushes forward and tackles Azazel knocking the gun out of his hands. Dean runs and grabs it. Sam and Azazel roll on the ground punching and pushing then Azazel gets the upper hand. He rears back, but before he swings something cold presses to the back of his head.

"Get up." Dean growls. Azazel stands slowly; he turns and glares at Dean. For a second everyone is still, then Azazel lunges and Dean fires. He watches as the man who killed his parents falls to the floor. Cas sinks to the ground with Meg, she's already gone. Dean sways on his feet; the last thing he hears before everything goes black is sirens.

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