Chapter 14

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For the next week and a half Dean goes two places: school and the hospital. Everyday after school, Sam and Dean hop in the Impala and drive to the hospital; at night Sam goes home with Michael and Gabriel while Dean stays with Cas. Finally, the doctors say Cas can go home, a couple days later Cas is well enough to come back to school. Dean takes his usual seat behind Castiel in Mrs. Layman's class.

"How're you feeling?" Dean asks him. Cas turns in his seat to face his friend.

"Dean, I am fine. I promise." Cas reassures him. Dean nods still skeptical. Mrs. Layman walks in and immediately starts droning on about the Vietnam war. Dean lays his cheek on his fist and tunes his teacher out. Halfway through the class something catches his eye; he turns his head slightly to looks at the rectangle of glass set in the door. Someone peers through, a hood shades their face but Dean can make out the hint of a smirk. Something flashes through his mind: flames, smoke, and a shadow. Dean freezes and his breath catches in his throat; Cas turns just enough to give him a questioning look. All color has drained from Dean's face, a look of terror and anger is mixed together on his features.

"No....i-it can't be." Dean whispers. Cas's brow furrows more.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Dean shakes his head. The hooded person steps away from the window and starts down the hall; Dean's green eyes suddenly become as hard and cold as emeralds.

"Not this time." He jumps up and rushes across the room out the door, he ignores Mrs. Layman's shouts and runs after the figure. He turns corners and twists down hallways until he, unfortunately, loses the person. Cas stops beside him panting.

"What...was that....all about?" He manages between gasps. Rapid footsteps echo down the hall; Dean tenses ready for anything then relaxes once he sees it is Sam and Gabriel.

"Dean, what's going on? Cas texted us and said you freaked out." Sam asks. Dean jams his fingers through his hair.

"I-I thought.." He stops, not sure how to explain his outburst. Sam gestures for him to continue.

"You thought what, Dean?" Dean growls in frustration.

"I thought I saw someone ok!?" The three other boys stand, confused. Dean sighs then continues in a softer tone. "The night Mom died I.....I saw someone. They....they were walking around the side of the house and....I think they, whoever they are, are the reason Mom's dead." The boys just stand in silence for a moment. Sam stares at the ground gritting his teeth then looks up at his brother.

"You didn't think to tell the cops this? Or me? Or dad?" He spits angrily. Dean glares at him.

"I was four, Sam. No one was gonna believe me; heck I didn't believe me!" Dean breathes in deeply and closes his eyes in an attempt to calm down.

"Looks like you boys have a mystery on your hands." A deep, raspy voice says behind them. They turn to see Crowley standing in the middle of the hallway. "Hello boys." Dean glares.

"Do you just appear out of no where?" He asks sarcastically. Crowley smiles.

"Sometimes." Dean rolls his eyes.

"DEAN WINCHESTER!" The boys jump at the shout. Mrs. Layman stomps down the hall towards them. "What do you think you are doing!? You cannot just get up and leave my class without permission!" Dean opens his mouth but is silenced. "You will report for after school detention today, ALL of you. That includes you, Fergus!" They all turn, eyebrows raised, to Crowley. He stands red faced looking down. The bell rings and the halls flood with students. At the end of the hall, hidden by shadows, a man stands smiling. He watches the boys walk to their next class and whispers to himself, "See you soon."

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