Part 12

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Dean doesn't really sleep that night. He tosses and turns while he worries about Castiel. The next morning he wakes up and crawls out of bed to get ready for school; dark, purplish circles are painted under his green eyes and his brown hair is even more messed up than usual. He does not have the energy to put on more than anything than sweats and a hoodie. He walks out and sees Sam making lunch. Sam glances up at his brother and raises his eyebrows in surprise. Without looking up Dean points a threatening finger at his little brother. "Say one word and you're dead." Sam holds up his hands in surrender. "Wasn't gonna." The brothers finish getting their stuff than hop into the Impala and head to school. Throughout most of the day people leave Dean alone, until lunchtime. Dean sits down with his lunch, he is just about to take a bite of his turkey sandwich when someone sits beside him. He glances over and rolls his eyes when he sees who it is. "What do you want Meg?" He says. "Where's Castiel?" She asks him. Dean looks at her questioningly. "Why do you care?" Dean swallows his food. "Because while you were off becoming besties with the friggin devil, I was comforting your boyfriend. You abandoned him and I was there." She spits. Dean glares at the table, after a minute he turns toward Meg. "It's none of your business where he is. Leave me alone, and leave him alone." With that Dean gathers up the remnants of his lunch and leaves. After school, Sam and Dean go home and Sam immediately calls Gabriel. Dean paces anxiously waiting for Sam to hang up. He finally does and turns to Dean. "Gabe said that they gave him medicine but the fever hasn't broken. They're gonna take him to the doctor tomorrow." Dean sighs and hangs his head. Sam takes a seat beside his brother and puts a hand on his shoulder. "He'll be fine Dean." Dean nods. The boys turn in early that night.----------------- "Dean! Dean wake up now!" Sam yells as he frantically shake his brother. Dean jumps up and looks around. "What!? What's wrong!?" Dean looks at Sam, tears streak his face and his hands shake. "Sammy, what's wrong?" Sam sits down and breathes in. "I-it's Cas. H-he, he's in the hospital."

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