Part 4

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Sam and Dean go back to Cas's house the next night, and the night after that, and the night after that. Castiel's house became a sort of second home to the Winchester brothers. It was a place they felt safe, where they could be themselves. Cas and Dean soon discovered that, despite his more quiet nature, Sam was quite the mischievous kid; they assumed that's why he and Gabriel got along so well, pair Sam's brain with Gabriel's stealth and they were unstoppable. Even after Dean and Cas finish their project, a few weeks ahead of time, the boys continue to go to Cas's, even on the weekends. Dean plops down in a lawn chair next to Cas; he glances over to see what his friend is doing. Cas is bent over a sketchpad looking from the sky to the paper moving his pencil furiously. Cas is just about to finish the last details when a loud pop sounds behind the boys. Cas and Dean both jump out of their chairs and lie flat in the dirt. Once their ears stop ringing, the boys hear raucous laughter; Dean pushes himself up and turns to see his little brother and Gabriel doubled over wheezing from laughing so hard. Dean's surprise quickly transforms into anger.

"Sam! Gabriel! I'm going to KILL you!" He says scrambling to his feet. Sam stops laughing and looks up.

"Uh oh. Umm...Gabe, I think we need to," Dean starts stomping towards them, "RUN!" Sam grabs Gabriel's arm and takes off around the front of the house with Dean on their heels. Suddenly, Dean skids to a halt barely stopping before slamming into Michael. Gabriel and Sam peek out from behind Michael and grin.

"Oh. Sorry Michael." Dean says. Michael smiles.

"That's ok. Be careful though, I'm starting the grill and I don't want anyone to get burned. Are you boys staying for dinner?" He asks Dean. Dean nods.

"As long as it's ok with you." Michael nods then turns back to firing up the grill. Gabriel and Sam have disappeared, Dean sighs and heads to the backyard. He sees Cas bent over his sketchpad again and walks up quietly behind him. When Cas finishes he holds up the paper at arms length to examine it. It is an almost exact replica of Cas's backyard.

"Wow Cas that's really good." Dean says taking a seat. Cas jumps nearly dropping the picture.

"Oh, thanks but it really isn't that great." He says modestly. Dean scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Yes it is, it's awesome." Cas smiles at the compliment. The boys sit and talk for hours until Michael calls them inside for dinner; after dinner everyone decides to sit in the living room and watch Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. Sam curls up in a recliner, Gabriel and Michael sit on the couch, and Cas and Dean stretch out on a pallet in the floor. After the movie Dean stands up and stretches his arms high above his head, he turns to tell Sam to get ready to leave but stops. Sam is asleep with his head on the arm of the chair and his legs tucked up under him. "Great..." Dean sighs. Cas stands and sees Sam.

"Hey why don't you guys just stay the night?" Cas suggests. Michael nods.

"It's late and you look tired, you shouldn't be driving." Dean hesitates then nods. He and Cas go upstairs to grab a few more pillows and blankets then go back down and fall asleep in the living room watching a movie. Dean opens his eyes and sits up with surprise. He looks around, his heart stops when he realises where he is; he throws his covers off and races down the hall to Sam's room. Red and yellow flames crawl along the walls and black smoke curls around him up into his nose suffocating him. His dad stands in front of him then thrusts a crying bundle of blankets at him. His dad screams at him to run, take Sammy and run. So he does. He runs as fast as he can out the front door, he stops in the middle of the yard and looks back at the house. Out of the corner of his eye Dean catches sight of a tall,  black figure disappearing around the side of the house. Then everything goes black.

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