Part 8

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"Cas?" Meg's voice travels through the phone speaker to Castiel. He smiles.

"Hey Meg. What's up?" He hears her shift on the other end of the line.

"Nothing. I was calling to see if you wanted to go to the Diner to get shakes." Castiel glances at his clock, the red numbers flash 8:00 PM.

"Uhhh sure. I'll meet you there in like five minutes." He says standing to get dressed.

"Ok. I'll be there." The line clicks off and Cas puts the phone down, he quickly throws on an rumpled but clean shirt, a clean pair of jeans, his shoes, and a jacket. The Diner is not far from his house so instead of driving, Cas decides to walk. Soon the front of the diner comes into view, he shivers and hurries inside to wait for Meg; it is not long before Cas spots her little black car pulling in. Meg pushes her way in and looks around; when she spots Cas, she grins and strides over to him. "Hey there." She hugs Cas then takes a seat across from him in the booth.

"Hi. How are you?" Cas asks politely.

"I'm ok." She answers. A young girl in uniform appears by their table.

"Hi, I'm Amber and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you?" The girl says perkily.

"Two chocolate shakes please." Cas answers. The waitress hurries off to make their shakes. Meg and Cas sit and talk for a few minutes before their order arrives, they laugh and sip their drinks. The bell on the Diner door dings making Cas look up to see who it is. The smile drops from his face and his blue eyes harden. The captain and his two usual sidekicks strut through the door. Cas watches as the players survey their surroundings like lions searching for prey. "Let's get out of here, Meg." Cas says starting to stand, but it is too late. The captain locks eyes with Castiel and grins.

"Well, look at this! Cas has a new girlfriend! What happened? You and Dean break up?" The captain drags every word out. Cas keeps his eyes glued to the tabletop. Meg glares at them.

"Hey douchebag, how about to shut your trap or I'll shut it for you." She snarls. Her comment causes the captain to smile wider.

"You let your girlfriend fight for you?" He sneers. Cas's blood boils with anger, he grits his teeth as the players laugh. Cas leaps up and slams his hand down. Meg and the players jump in surprise, a few other customers glance at them but do not say anything.

"Shut. Up." He growls. The captain steps closer so the two boys are nose to nose.

"And what are you gonna do if I don't?" The captain hisses. Cas slowly raises his gaze to the captain's; for a second everything is still, then Cas swings. He lands a hard hit to the captain's jaw. Cas shakes his hand, he had never hit anyone before then. The captain stumbles back slightly but recovers from his shock quickly; he steps forward and hits Cas square in the nose. Cas's eyes water and blood drips from his nostrils but he manages to duck the next hit. He slams the captain in the gut and dances back; the captain jumps forward and manages a glancing blow to Cas's left cheek. They jump back and forth getting in hits until Cas, out of clumsiness, trips and lands on his back. The captain wastes no time, he presses his knee to Cas's sternum and starts hitting him over and over again. Finally, the manager runs over and jerks both boys up by the collar and tosses them out into the cold. The players help their captain into an old pickup and drive away. Cas lays on the ground panting, the adrenaline has left his body and he feels every bruise and cut. Meg kneels over him.

"Cas! Cas are you ok!? Please be ok! Cas, Cas talk to me!" She yells frantically.

Castiel rolls his eyes up to look straight at Meg and whispers the one thing he needs right now, "Dean..."

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