Part 5

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Dean sits up gasping, sweat causes his black shirt stick to his back; he breathes in through his nose and out through his mouth, in and out, in and out until his breathing goes back to normal. Dean jams a hand through his hair and leans forward. Cas stirs beside him. "Dean?" Cas mumbles sleepily. Dean takes a deep breath.

"Sorry Cas. I didn't mean to wake you up." Cas stretches then pushes himself up on his elbows.

"It's fine. What woke you?" He asks. Dean shakes his head.

"Nothing, go back to sleep." He says. Cas sits up all the way now and turns toward him, he studies Dean for a moment.

"It's not nothing otherwise you wouldn't look like you just saw a ghost." Dean glances over at him, Dean then stands and grabs his shoes. "Where are you going?" Cas asks. Dean slips on his boots.

"To clear my head." He pulls the front door open and walks out. Cas throws off the covers scrambling to his feet, he hurriedly puts on his own shoes then follows Dean out the door. He looks around before finally spotting Dean leaning against his black Impala. Cas goes to stand beside him. Dean does not say anything, just looks up and stares at the stars glittering high above in the midnight sky. The boys sit there for a long time gazing at the stars in silence, then Cas decides to break it.

"Beautiful aren't they? The stars?" He says not taking his blue eyes off of them. Dean nods. Cas waits a minute then asks the question balancing on the tip of his tongue. "What scared you, Dean?" For a minute he is silent, then Dean sighs.

"I-I had a dream." Cas looks at him and raises his eyebrows signaling for more. "I-it was about my mom. About the night she...died." He whispers the last word. Cas's brows furrow.

"Dean, I'm-I'm so sorry." Cas says. Dean looks down and bites down on his bottom lip, tears well in his eyes. Dean had never really talked about his mom's death to anyone; he looks back up at Cas and smiles.

"Eh it's ok. It was a long time ago." Dean stretches and yawns. "Let's get back inside and go back to sleep. It's too friggin early to be awake." He claps Cas on the shoulder, Cas smiles and nods. The two boys talk and laugh as they walk back to the house, they are so engaged in their conversation that they do not notice the hooded man watching from across the street.

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