Part 13

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Dean had never driven so fast in his life. Sam sits in the passenger seat talking with Gabriel on the phone. Dean flies through a stop sign earning a honk from an angry driver. Sam's eyes flick over to Dean; he does not say anything, just reaches over and clicks his seatbelt. Dean whips into a parking spot and barley gets the Impala shut off before he and Sam leap out to race into the hospital. Dean skids to a halt at the front desk startling the receptionist.

"C-can I help you?" She stutters. Dean nods.

"Castiel Novak, what room is he in?" The girl types on the computer quickly then points down a hall.

"Room 208." Dean nods again then races down the hall. He stops in the doorway, Gabriel sits in a chair by the hospital bed leaned over with his hands clasped and his head resting on them, Michael stands in front of the bed blocking Castiel from view. Gabriel glances at them then says something to Michael; Michael turns his head, gives the Winchester's a weary smile, and motions them in. Dean moves slowly, unenthusiastic to see how bad Cas is. Sam goes to stand by Gabriel while Dean stands on the other side of the bed. Cas lays with his eyes closed covered up and shivering despite the sweat beading his sickly pale brow and making his dark hair stick.

"Cas..." Dean whispers.

"He's been asleep for a few hours. The doctors say it's pneumonia." Michael explains. Sam looks over at him.

"Is he going to be ok?" Michael shrugs at Sam's question.

"We don't know yet."

Hours go by and the sun slowly peeks up over the horizon.

"I'm going to go get breakfast, does anyone wanna come?" Gabriel says standing. Sam and Michael both nod.

"I'm gonna stay here, just in case he wakes up." Dean says. Sam nods then follows Michael and Gabriel out the door. Dean walks over and sits down in Gabriel's chair. He looks at Cas laying in the bed, helpless and sick. A tear slides down his cheek as he lays his head in his hands. "Listen Cas, I know you probably can't hear me, but I just....I can't lose you Cas. I-I've already lost my mom, my dad's never around so for a long time it was just me and Sammy, b-but then you showed up and.....and it felt like we had a family. It felt we had a home." A sob escapes him and put his forehead on the cool sheets of Cas's bed. "Cas please....p-please don't leave me! Please don't leave me like everyone else!" He sobs again and again his tears stain the bed. Suddenly, someone grabs his hand, he looks up stared to see Cas looking at him.

"I won't. I can hear you and I promise I won't leave you." Dean smiles through his tears and let's out a breathy laugh. He wipes his eyes. Cas grins at him. "Besides, even if I did die you couldn't get rid of me. I'd come back and haunt your butt." They both laugh. Someone walks in behind them.

"Cas! You're up!" Sam and Gabriel race over.

"Cassie! You're alive!" Gabriel leans down and hugs his brother. Sam punches him.

"Of course he's alive!" Michael strides over and hugs Cas.

"Don't scare us like that ever again, ok?" Cas nods then glances at Dean.

"I promise."

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