Chapter 5: July 2012

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Todd wasn't there for the afternoon classes. He was, however, there for TFC. Didn't look himself though.

Hi Todd. I motioned to him across the room.

He continued to stare at the wall behind my head. I did the conscious thing to do: ignored everyone and walked across the room, giving Todd one big slap on his cheek.

What happened?

His eyes finally cleared up, looking at me with a stupid smile on his face. "I got zapped," he said, grinning like a maniac, holding his hands up to the side of his heads like earmuffs.

"Now, now," a girly voice from the back of the room interrupted Todd's drunken mutterings, "Go talk to someone else, Todd. Aiden, come with me."

It was Miss Campbell. Only mere minutes from the start of TFC and she already wanted to have her "therapy" section. It was very odd, what she does, especially because there was not much talking involved.

I followed her to the room, and like always, stood at the door frame until directed otherwise.

"Sit." She instructed, pointing at the navy blue plastic chair that blended into the wallpaper.

As I sat, the door closed behind me. She took her seat in her tall, spiral chair that looked so much more comfortable than the plastic one I was sitting on that didn't even have a mold for my butt.

"Now, I called you in earlier today so we can have a little more time today," She pushed her chair out from behind the desk and rolled it to the point where she was now facing me. "I few things I would like to discuss about. Some may be more personal."

I swallowed nervously, feeling the awkward silence settling around us.

"First off, you will no longer be able to discuss anything about what he is doing during his sections with Ms. Parker."

She was the school's nurse. A big woman, she is. Kind of like an ex-pro wrestler.

"Understood?" I nodded. "Good. Now, try to answer as many of these questions as you can."

She asked me the simple questions: who is your childhood's pet name, who's your favorite superhero what's your favorite food? To all of them, I replied with the same answer. Well, I didn't reply. Because she didn't seem to know ASL and I didn't have the energy to "try" to speak. Finally, she placed her folder and pen down onto her desk, looking me in the eye in a sympathetic way.

"Remember, you don't need to answer these if you don't want to," she said in a sickeningly smoothing voice.

"Who do you like most? Father or mother?" I blinked, but didn't reply.

"How was the normal school for you?"

"Any past girlfriends?"

"How many?"

"Or were they boyfriends?"

"Are you still a virgin?" I flinched at this one, looking shocked by the number of "personal bubbles" she had popped to get to this question. Instead, I looked down at my sweaty hands that were gripping onto my jeans.

"You're not a virgin," she smirked, "Is it that girl, Rain?"

I stood up, wanting this section to be over.

"Sit down, I'm not done with you."

Instead, I made a hurry attempt for the door, throwing it open to see an empty TFC room. We had gone thirty minutes over our section. I ran as fast as I could to my room, the door still wide open. I ran in, jumped onto bed as the door closed behind me.

She found us out, Rain. I sobbed into the pillow. That witch knows about us.

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