"I wish we can watch the Olympics," Todd mentioned one morning as I attempted to slobber nasty smoked salmon cream cheese on my bagel.
No. I knew what he was up to. He may not be popular with his peers; actually, they are all scared of him because of the one time he managed to smuggle in a six pack of beer into some random girl's room. News spread fast. Considering how popular she was (as popular as you can get in here), everybody started to avoid him. And that means they avoid me to.
"Oh come on, it's the only time swimmers get to be the star! Do you think Michael Phelps can get eight gold medals again? I want to see Nathan Adrian too, the hot one."
Stop it, you'll get yourself into trouble again. I reply.
He didn't mention the Olympics again during breakfast.
We walked to lunch; Todd had a strange smile on his face. Instantly, I knew something was up. I grabbed him and forced him to face me so he could see what I wanted to tell him.
Don't you dare.
"Try to stop me," he smirked, then taking a full sprint for the cafeteria. "Let's get a TV in here! Who wants to watch the Olympics?"
I arrived at the cafeteria met by a very strange scene. Everybody had vacated the table he was standing on. Everybody was staring wide eyed at him (other than the girl with no eyes). Everybody had no idea what to do next. I found myself a seat at the table with Todd's dirty shoe prints on them, staring at the scene ahead of me.
"Come on, really? They teach us to be like the rest of the world, yet they lock us out, away from them. Watching TV opens us a tiny window to the outside world! Who wants to be normal? Who wants to learn to be like them, to learn from them, not these so called teachers who think they know what they are doing?"
I saw then, from the corner of my eye, a mob of teachers rushing through the hallway towards the cafeteria.
"Aiden, my friend," he continued, looking at me, "he wants to watch it to, don't you?"
They're coming. I told him.
"See? He agrees! Everybody, we have the right to watch the Olympics! TV! TV!" he begins to rant.
It was short lived though, for the instant he started, the teachers have gotten a hold of him. Being the only one chanting, No one continue his hope for a television. Instead, I watched as my friend was gagged and hauled away by a group of angry teachers, each one grabbing onto one of his squirming limbs.

Silence is Golden
RomanceThis was Aiden's last year in high school, and he was determined to make it a great year. That didn't really work out very well for him. Like all seniors, he was forced to deal with the usual struggles, college, classes, teachers, romance. Throughou...