Chapter 36: April 2013

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TFC was the only time the keys could be retrieved, considering the distance to her office and the chaos that erupts around us. Ms. Campbell has not, for a while now, called me into a therapy section, not since that day. Today, I barged in uninvited.

"Get out!" she screamed the instant I walked in.

I sat down on the same plastic chair that she always instructed me to sit in.

"What are you doing here." She growled at me.

I stared back at her, motionless. I watched as she leaned forward in her chair, her hands placed on her desk, moving her face closer to mine by the second.

"Move or be moved."

When I didn't move, she did what I hoped she would do. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and began dragging me out of the door.

"You stubborn piece of shit!" she streamed as I grabbed onto her ankles, making her life just some much harder. "Get your fucking hands off of me!"

By this time, we were out of her office, in the center of the room. Everybody had their eyes on us, watching a boy grabbing onto the ankles of a middle aged woman trying to kick him off of her. It was quite the sight to see. Finally, she bent down until she was eye leveled with me, talking loud enough for everybody to hear.

"I will send you to the nurse if you don't let go."

The job was done; I gladly let go of her fat ankles. She gave me one last hateful look before walking into her office and slamming the door behind her.

Todd and I walked back to our rooms after TFC, when he slipped something into my hands.

Goodbye he signed, before entering his room, the door shutting behind him.

I made my way into my room, gladly watching the door shut with a satisfying click. Quickly, I ran onto my bed and began working the locks to the window. The first one was easy, the biggest key fit perfectly in the big lock that kept the window unopened for so long. Once I threw the window open, The night breeze hit me in the face with such a force, I didn't realize how long I haven't been outside until now. The lock on the screen was harder to find, considering it was smaller and there were a variety of keys to choose from. I eventually found its match, unlocking the screen and pushing it out of the way.

Looking down, bushes lined the walls of the school. From that, there was a yellow grassy field that extended a few feet more before it met a deserted road. Quickly, I grabbed as many drawings as I could before I squished my way out of the window.

Considering the height of the window from the outside, the landing was not as graceful as I wanted. Having scratched up everything from the bushes, I picked myself up, brushed myself off, and began towards the streets, running.

I couldn't stop, no matter how much my legs screamed at me. Not that I knew where I was going. At six, convenient stores were still opened, I found one, instantly picking up a map, running back out. Now heading the right way, I ran and ran. No one tried to stop me; there was not much people on the streets at this time of day.

Soon, the church was in sight. With a full on sprint, I reached the doors, swinging it wide open. The room was dark with only a single flame flickering in the corner. On the altar was pictures of Rain and flowers lining the ground. It was too late. Finally, I recognized the stress I put my legs through the reach the church, crumpling down to the ground and began sobbing. My tears wet the isle as I crawled my way to the altar, grabbing a picture and hugging it close to my chest. I stared at the picture, looking at the picture that I had seen so many times in my dreams. The face that I had drawn over and over again, waiting for the day I could touch it just once more. The brown eyes that sparkled so bright in the sunlight, the hair that flowed like the rivers.

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