The Doctor Dances - Prelude

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The Doctor Dances - A Doctor Who Fan Fiction




"Clair got a minute, well it doesn't even matter any way 'cause you don't really have a choice in this. We have to go now before things get worse..." The Doctor said trailing off at the end, almost sounding guilty.

"What did you do this time?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Well, see that's not really important at the moment. I mean it's not like we could die in about," he said checking his watch, "A minute and thirty seconds, oh now twenty nine..."

"Fine lead the way, it seems like we're doing this quite often lately." I huffed, shooting him a glare on the way out.

The Doctor ran out of the room before hearing my whole response. Does he ever take a break? Or is his life mostly comprised of running... Well I don't really have time to talk to my self right now, I thought, rushing out the door, still hoping to catch up (which might not be a problem) but he's surprisingly fast. The real complication is whatever the Doctor's done to make us leave again...

Out of breath he tried to say a coherent sentence, "Oh and by the way, I might've set a bomb in the conversion center, if that's important to you in any way, I have no idea but I'm just letting you know because this would probably upset most people."

"What?!" I screamed not sure if I was going out of my mind or if it was strange that this was beginning to become normal.

But who knows, this is the Doctor's world and certainly not mine.

It's always this. . . fractured reality he wraps himself in to justify himself to the universe.

The calm is broken in an instant, always and forever. And if you know you have to say goodbye, how can you? Saying goodbye means going away and when you never come back they slowly forget you. Now I realize that it's not the others who need him, it was the Doctor who needed them. He could never handle the thought of being alone even if all of them die, in a way he is always selfish and never is.

<>|The Doctor|<>

And now one thought was racing through my beating hearts, was she ever human or something else entirely different?

Because now I've realized the truth, not that I'm lying, I didn't even think about it 'till a moment ago. But now I know what she is or at least have a good enough guess, a Kapkre.

And that changes everything.



AN; 4-19-14 Now that The Doctor Dances is officially finished, I just wanted to clear a few minor misled thoughts about the book.

1) The Doctor and Clair ARE NOT, and I repeat ARE NOT in a romantic relationship, even though now that I've said that, most of you are going to find a different book because most people on here get a little crazy about ships. (I mean they could be, I just posted the overview for the sequel so if you want it to be something like that, comment or message.)

2) Clair was NEVER human but she's deluding herself (even though she doesn't know it) because she still thinks she's human. She's casting an illusions around her, if that makes sense?

3) The Doctor does not realize this 'till quite late in the book. ^

And last thing, I'm sorry that I leave very long Author's Notes, but just remember you're all beautiful people.

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