14. Electric Water

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A/N:  First of all, totally sorry about not updating for a week on anything.  I don’t really have an excuse for it, I guess I’m just SUPER lazy… and kinda obsessed with SUPERNATURAL. So here’s:



Clair’s P.O.V.

The Doctor had been working aimlessly for about an hour.  Meanwhile I was just there to hand him tools and when I fortunately wasn’t doing that, I was wandering around the ‘house’.  Now this adventure was seeming to get boring but who am I fooling?  I would rather have this than a near conversion experience…


“That’s my name don’t over use it!” I called back.

“Well some of your friends are trying to get in so if you don’t want to be KILLED I suggest you get down here and help me!” The Doctor yelled in a frantic tone.

What did he mean by friends?  I don’t have any friends here.  Oh wait I do he must mean the genocidal Cybermen.  And I thought my day couldn’t get any more exciting. (Not the sarcasm.) Okay, so there’s probably about nothing useful in here, so I might as well ask the Doctor if he’s got anything in his pockets.

“Can you go through your pockets?” I yelled while running down the stairs.


“Just listen for once and do it!”

“What crawled up your trousers today?”

“If you want to live you better not have just said that…”

“I just said how wonderful you looked, here it’s all on the table.” The Doctor said, quickly moving back to his work.

“Sure you did.”

Looking at the mess on the table made me really wonder if the Doctor’s pockets had the same ‘bigger on the inside’ trick as his T.A.R.D.I.S.  I honestly wouldn’t be surprised.  Throughout the table were various items.  As I started ruling them out by how useful they were I found most of the things the Doctor has would likely be categorized as weapons.  Meanwhile, the Doctor was still transforming some cable into an output.

Items by use as follows:

·        Sleek metal chamber that I can assume must be a gun

·        Water in a jar (Was he preparing something I was unaware about ‘cause that totally seems suspicious)

·        Sonic Screwdriver

·        Faded key on a chain

·        Shock blanket

Okay, only about two of those are actually useful.  And the winner is… the water gun (I assume the gun can be filled from the chamber apparent on the underside and there’s a bottle of water so that’s about the only other useful thing).  As the banging rapidly increased in volume, I started un-screwing the cap being careful not to touch what I assumed to be water in the process.

“Uh, what kind of water is this?”

“Funny story actually it’s kind of holy water which is great and all for repelling spirits but not much else.  Wait are you seriously going to shoot Cybermen with water?”

“Hey you don’t really have a better idea here (or any other things that be crammed in here), do you?” I challenged sure that I would not get an answer.

“Never mind just keep at it.” The Doctor laughed, looking uneasy under my tense glare.

At that moment the door burst open under the pressure from the force put upon it by the Cybermen which were a little too impatient for my liking.  Well time to fight for what may as well be my life.  As they started filing through the door my reflexes snapped allowing me to finally think clearly without much thought.  Admittedly I was scared of dying but everyone has to take risks eventually so when will it ever be time for mine?  Starting to shoot at the Cyberman in front of me I looked through the eye of one where the last drop landed clearly through the metal mesh and underneath which was slowly leaking black fluid like a tear.  Spilling onto the floor it seeped and turned red like the harsh blood of humans but these are metal, nothing but thoughtless beings.  Right?

Oh, that’s cool.  One down with a blow and an entire fleet to go.  Hopefully the Doctor will hurry up because this won’t last that long considering the size of jar from the water.  I’m starting to wonder which side will win, but it’s best not to think about that in the current state of my psychotic mind.  As the Cybermen made adjustments in mere seconds after realizing my strategy, metal clicked it a new formation.  Speed increases through the door and it’s becoming hard to keep up.

“Hey, Doctor are you almost done?” I asked in what must’ve sounded frantic and truth to be told I was truly scared for once in my life.

“Just seconds think you can hold on?”

No reply came from me but a silent response was heard from the surrounding air.  Fighting a battle alone really is hard work, I really hope I’ll never have another chance to do this again.  An electronic pulse filled the air in the same instant my life caught up with me.  Cybermen dropped to the ground but not before electricity flowed through my body, reaching down the very nerves of my being.  Here must be where everything catches up with me, I’m not supposed to be alive so the universe makes an allowance.  A chance for a girl to redeem the hope of living.  And that pulse wasn’t what affected me, the Cyberman was, the one who slipped through.  The one who broke the formation and in many ways was like me, doing everything it was told and everything to survive by the glint of metal.

The Doctor was by me after a brief celebration but one glance was all he needed to stop in an instant.  My open eyes are still conscious but the rest of me is scrambling for control. Hands shake my unmoving shoulders where the breathing just a moment ago has stopped.


Right now I’m falling and when you happen to fall you can’t quite reach up and grasp a piece of reality.  An infinite moment, that’s how long you can fall and never realize you’re gone.  Walking through the paths of your mind you can remember.  A thought is a vivid photograph, perfect in every detail.  Everything for me is finally falling apart as it has to.  Memories are filled from all the blank stares and at minutes where I can laugh through the years that have passed by. 

Sometimes it feels like someone’s beneath you, holding out their arms to touch the last piece of your soul before it drifts away.  And I know that a raggedy man is beneath me, full of shock for the unpredictable.  But what can I say, well nothing but metaphorically, I could console him.  I could do a number of things but that’s not what I’m for.  If you know you have to say goodbye, how can you?  Saying goodbye means going away and when you never come back they slowly forget you.  That must be what it’s like for the Doctor.  He’s had to say goodbye so many times but can never really believe that people don’t need him anymore, he’s the one that needs them.

Now I’m breaking on the inside as he is breaking outside.  Consoling was never my strong suit and honestly never will.  There are so many things I want to scream at him.  “Get off the floor and forget me, leave and save your head and just imagine me as a vision, a hallucination so the guilt won’t follow.”  That is what I’d like to say.


The Doctor’s P.O.V.

Get up, get off the floor and run for they are surly coming for me but should I let them?  Thoughts cannot appear to my judgment.  I’m broken without the freedom, guilt will be with me but for now I feel like lying on the floor remembering thoughts from my latest adventure.  And Clair,  oh Clair was she ever human?


A\N:  Sorry, I guess it’s been two weeks.  I love you guys so much….  Comment if I should continue (or not).  3 Votes?

Comment:  Should she live or should the Doctor get up and leave with the guilt?

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