7. Fixing The Past

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A\N:  Thanks you guys…. You’re totally awesome I mean 23 new reads and whoever that lovely person was thanks for the vote!  Here’s another chapter which may be short but I still love you guys… and sorry that I don’t give real long chapters but here’s my offering as tribute.  Haha I’m so hilarious, kill me.

Doctor’s P.O.V. (YAY) 🎀

Stupid thing, I should’ve made an updated version long ago but my sonic never fails, until now apparently.  Great, 1100 years with the blasted thing and now it fails in my one time I truly need it.  And here we going again, Clair’s disappeared from my vision and I have go save her, this is probably the worst (unintentional) trip with one of my compan- well I can’t really call her companion as she really never agreed to go with me but what the hell, she is my companion.  Well, heres to trying to fix my sonic screwdriver with whatever I can find.

I started pulling things out of my pockets, which are bound to be bigger on the inside, look at what I found, a bowtie… cause we all know there cool, Dalek frozen in cryotube (obviously shrunken), spare sonic parts, a butternut squash (wait what the hell?!).  Oh hey sonic parts that’s cliché right?

I started fitting the replacements back into the old sonic casing, that reminds me maybe I should give it a new style what is it like 300 years old?  Well I don't expect you to know that, it's not like there's some show about me, or is there?  If I do say so myself my sonic is pretty efficient, I've dropped it like sixty times and well it finally stopped working, hey it's kinda like an iPhone.  As I finished that, I finally looked around at my surroundings.

Everything was metal, ah typical Cybermen, they never have the sense to redecorate.  At least they have hands 'cause all the Daleks have is a whisk and a plunger.  How do they take over the world?  Back to the topic at hand, which was Clair.

I started running through the halls passing many of the same metal doors, carefully listening for a clue to where Clair was being kept away...  The first thing about Cybermen is that there loud and I mean EXTREMLY, you can hear them from a mile away.  Reminds me of this one time when I was on my 10th regeneration in London with a man who's memories were replaced with mine.  Great maybe they already transported up to the main base. 

So running in dramatically and pretending to collapse was out of the question 'cause I can't even find the bloody door.  They really should have labels around here someone could get lost not that anyone was meant to be here, obviously.  Well things should get more exciting around here my thoughts must be pretty boring, hey Macarena.  And you all thought I was boring... ;)

3 Hours Later (HE TAKES FOREVER...)

I was currently ninja rolling down the halls of the main station after I found the transport to bring me up.  Right now most of  Cybermen were arguing about who forgot to lock the transport bay.  And now I'm back to hiding stealthily.  A cold hand touched my shoulder. 

"Stay right there you evil demon!", I screamed after finding the correct setting on my sonic which was either the unbearably high frequency or the setting which cooked a turkey.  Don't judge me turkeys take an unreasonably long time to cook.

As I spun around after the mental war in my head, I found it was just Clair.  Oh, she escaped, good job Clair you deserve an award.  Maybe I should stop pressing on my sonic which was apparently trying to cook her like a turkey, maybe I should test out the settings on this thing someday...

Clairs Point Of View (Flashback)

Damn I fell asleep again, I really need to stop doing that especially when I'm getting kidnapped.  The dreams haven't happened recently, mainly 'cause I haven't slept in like eight days!  But here they were and they were getting clearer except for the man with the changing face...

Again I was at the cliff just below the man who was ever the same and always different.  This time he was wearing a jet black leather jacket which matched the rest of his themed outfit.  This time he had a buzz cut of almond hair but I still got the impression he was a variation of my doctor. 

He was still looking in the distance at a girl who was changing expressions at a surprisingly fast rate with anger, sadness, and the most prominent BETRAYAL.

I woke up at a convenient point as I don't think I could've handled more.  The creature was still carrying me through halls and numerous rooms but this time we seemed to be in a different building.  A voice told me to act like the Doctor in this situation minus the wired dancing.  I located a switch below the metal arm... let's try this who knows it could work.  And it did, as a pressed down the creature fell releasing its grasp on me. 

I started running down the halls surprised at the lack of others like the metal man.  I could hear some faintly arguing in the distance about one leaving the transport channels open. So the Doctor must be here... I walked down the halls keeping close to the edge looking for the Doctor.  And there he was doing some roll thing down the halls trying to hide away.

I reached out behind him, putting my hand on his shoulder.  He abruptly spun around pointing his sonic screwdriver as he called it on me.  Suddenly the room got hotter, what was that thing doing, cooking me?



I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Erin Xx

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