1. Nothing Ever Happened

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12:58 Time Flashing On A Watch


Where the story starts:

And this is it, I was never coming back to Earth as I was finally caught in the hands of death, mere seconds from hitting the ground. This may be a bit cliché but your life does NOT flash before your eyes, the only thing that you can be quite aware of is the thoughts you want to remember.

Which leads me to my next question, is Death an actual entity or is he\she a made up character to scare children away from doing reckless things? Because if it's the second option, I have to say it didn't stop me...

As I waited for the ground to come up and meet me, I thought of my average (and pretty much boring) life which by the was was nothing extraordinary as you've probably already noticed before. I was just a normal girl, trying to finish university at Cambridge, and I admit barely scraping by until I got the chance to help a government organisation by finding secrets no one would ever find (that sounds intimidating but it was mostly office work, usually). And what's the real danger in that, the hardest thing would probably be stapling your finger and trust me, I've had an excruciating experience with that because I apparently get 'distracted to easily'.

I think not.

I hit the ground sooner then expected, but as I said before surprisingly my life didn't flash before me. Instead it was compiled with random access memories. I was surrounded by light and dark all at once, never realizing I'd have the chance to come back to reality even though in some perspectives I'm still conscious.

"Miss, hello, excuse me miss?" A voice asked in an almost apologetic tone.

"Please don't be dead, can you hear me?!" And there it goes again, I already know I'm in hell, no need to remind me.

Why was there so much screaming? Death was supposed to be peaceful (I mean really, it was called "the end" for a reason). Someone should really just take the hint. Wait if someone's saying 'don't be dead' that most likely means I'm still alive which would also explain why I'm having half way coherent thoughts. Seriously, I'm not amused.

After a few seconds of thinking I realized I was coughing up water. My skin felt like it was fading from the moisture. As I forced my eyes to be opened, my eyes moved but didn't see things clearly, instead everything formed into blurred shapes.

And then a second realization hit me. I was sopping wet, a creeping chill starting to form all the way down to my bones. Currently, I'm trying to figure out where I am, interrupted by someone suddenly stepping in front of me. Still waiting for my eyes to adjust, the person was most likely trying to figure out what I was doing on the ground or maybe they already knew. I wouldn't be surprised at that.

After I could form complete sentences in my head without getting distracted, I tried observing my surroundings.

Before me there was a man in his late twenties, I could say he was raggedy but he was still sophisticated in a way that he could almost be from another time. He was wearing a tweed jacket, with brown trousers, brown loafers, and the best part a bow tie. For no reason at all I've always found myself in interested in people that wear bow ties, as long as there not trying to kill me in the process of meeting the-

And that was the time I noticed, his face was different yet striking all the same. He had a mop of disheveled brown hair with vibrant grey brown eyes. I know that that seems like the most dull color, almost like grey cement. But in his eyes there seemed to be knowledge that could make him almost 100 and certainly not 28... But I'm not one to judge.

"Where am I and who are you?" I shot, okay I admit I'm VERY straightforward but you can't blame me.

As I heard myself, my voice was raspy and cracking from all the water that had entered my lungs and along with it a dry burning throat on the way out, how disgusting this feels. Is this how it feels when someone is drowning?

I could tell he was hesitant to reply but he finally did after some thought. Another question: in a usual situation people take longer to formulate a lie, so could he be lying with his answer?

"Oh well this may freak you out but you're on the T.A.R.D.I.S.", he said abruptly falling into a crouch beside me, as of I was gonna faint in shock.

"Ok, I have no idea what that is so don't expect me to be shocked, could you please take me home?"

"Sure just wait 'cause it may take a while but where do you live?" He stopped looking at me after a moment, the puzzled look disappearing from his face.

"Holmes Chapel." I answered, almost questioning my sanity at telling a complete stranger where I live.

Nodding, he opened his mouth to speak yet again, "Year, and date?"

Why would he need the year, we're surely just outside right. From my current location I should be about 5 blocks away from my flat. And now I'm starting to think he's right mad as a hatter, which now means this is scarier than death.

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