8. Just Stop Talking

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A/N: Thanks, for voting!!! Here's the next chapter as promised, I just wrote it in like 10 minutes and I was all like 'I promised but I don't have time but ya know the saying "always waste time when you don't have any", so yeah'. HERE: NOW GO READ

Clair's P.O.V.

Okay, so maybe it's not the best idea to scare the Doctor but in my defense he should have known I was around here somewhere. And what saved me was a thing the Doctor once told me but I just brushed it off as his being weird at the time, not knowing it could actually save me. ALWAYS PRESS BUTTONS, he should make something out of that (quite ironically, like a 'button').

After finally realizing what he was doing he stopped the sonic, trying to act all cool like it was nothing, propping himself against a wall. Failing miserably after losing his balance not even a second later.

"So, what setting was that?" I laughed as he looked uncomfortable under my gaze.

"Uh, 45..."

"No like what does this setting '45' do?"

"It's just in case I want to cook a turkey, not that I do that regularly..." he trailed off uncertainly.

At that I burst into a fit of laughter, what would he want to cook a turkey for, not that he 'does that regularly'. After I calmed myself I looked into his gaze, searching for an answer.

After a minute I knew I should just give up and start a new conversation, but not quite yet.

"Huh, I might just have to use that sometime. Christmas is coming up soon!" I was still at the brink of laughter as I continued to lightly tease the Doctor.

"You know it's okay, I know you didn't mean it." I trailed off, trying to reassure him.


Well at least I found out what the metal men were called, Cybermen. But on the other side maybe we should start running, running, that was starting to become a hateful word to me. I will SLAP the next person who says that to me. Now I have an excuse to slap the Doctor, not that I've been wanting to do that or anything... (Maybe just a tiny bit.)

I felt what was I assumed was the Doctor's hand grasp mine and pull me along the empty halls.

Cruel fate, how did I manage to get caught up in this?


Doctor's P.O.V.

At least Clair knew that I didn't mean to use setting '45'. The bad thing was she was starting to go into a state of not listening to anyone or anything around her. I grabbed her hand in fear of getting caught, not that our presence was already unknown here...

I'm almost positive of that.

We didn't stop running until we reached the end of every hall and into more Cybermen. Eventually we stopped as we had become cornered between a wall of steel. And maybe a little bit because it sounded as Clair was about to pass out from exhaustion.

We were grabbed quickly, the cold now seeping through our skin, and forced into another room. The transport room, did they really think I couldn't escape now?

"YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO THE CYBERLEADER", one said in its monotonous tone.

As they started turning controls I could tell Clair wanted to speak but I motioned for her to stay quiet as I worked something out. So apparently they weren't on the main ship but infiltrating a different space, I bet you its Earth, again. God this was getting so boring, just pick a different planet Earth is protected.

The sensation took over me and soon I was aware of a different room. Took them long enough didn't it, sometimes I just believed they were plain stupid, well they are metal. Music was playing in the background, really catchy music. I started singing along, wait was this Justin Bieber, no turn this cursed noise off, now One Direction's not that bad but Zany getting married might ruin everything... Hey, I have to be current on trends it's not easy fitting in otherwise.

As I noticed the structure of the building I found the Cyberleader sitting mere meters from myself.

"So, I see that you've chosen somewhere else than Victorian London now, great job by the way, America haven't seen this in a while so watcha doing here other than sightseeing which is obviously not what your doing here. To be honest just don't play pop music I'm sure my companion- I mean friend and I are fine without it. COMPRENDO?"

If they actually had expressions I think that one would be flipping out. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.... Well time to see what's in store, why do we say that, store?

Clair's P.O.V.

Great, there goes the Doctor, again. The only bit I caught was Justin Bieber *cue shrug*. I'm pretty sure nothing can ever end well if he starts talking, sometimes he can be quite rude.

A\N: Okay, well there. I'll update Thursday, along with my thoughts of starting a Matt Smith Fan Fiction titled 'Scripts'. Thanks for the reads and votes...

Three Votes, comment, or 8 read for next chapter early...

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)


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