3. Why Cant I Figure It Out?

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Again, back at the same place, wondering where anything could go wrong next.  Except this time, I was not the one silently standing by.


"Whats wrong, can you hear me, please?"

He just stood there silently, still staring. After what felt like hours, he broke out of the tranced state.

"I swear I've met you before, you don't remember me do you?"  Pausing before letting me answer only to keep talking (does he EVER shut up), "Well, sorry for acting WIERD but I'm The Doctor!"

"Doctor Who?" I inquired.

"Strictly, just The Doctor..."

"Well, okay then, I'm Clair."

"Yeah I believe you mentioned that before."  He held out his hand as if to shake, but instead he pulled me up, dragging me behind him as he started running out the door...

Again, I don't believe I ever said anything involving my identity.


"Okay, Clair, let's get you home, where did you say again, wait never mind I remember Holmes Chapel, right?"

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' earning a stange look from 'The Doctor'.

He led me back to the same room I ran out of before, as I sat looking at the stange machinery.  Psychopath or not, at least someone was helping me.

"Before you freak out again,this is the T.A.R.D.I.S. and yes before you freak out yet again I am indeed an alien."

I was still confused, weren't we just in the small blue box... Well I guess I'll have to ask about that, how long have I been up anyway, this must just be a result of sleep deprevation.

"Weren't we just in the Police Box?"

"Well yes, but -" He started before I interrupted him.

"It's so big on the inside how does everything fit in here?"

He started muttering to himself again, something about here we go again, they always ask that.. 'Oh My Gosh' it's bigger on the inside, yea Iv'e only had to explain this about seventy times before... Did he even realize I was here, I starting to think not but I guess he does this (I'll call it a 'thing') a lot.

"It is bigger on the inside due to the T.A.R.D.I.S. temporal data core.."

Was I even supposed to know what that meant, if he really was an alien he could at least explain things better, come on-

He spoke, interrupting my thoughts, "Don't your parents want to know where you are?"

"I've never known my parents, they died long ago..."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't bother me anymore, now I just hate how everyone around me tries to pity me." I added, not wanting any more of his attention.


After that we didn't talk much for the remainder of 30 minutes. He showed me an empty room that I could have until he brougt me back to my 'home'.  I couldn't fall asleep for the longest time, and quite honestly didn't want to, afraid of my dreams turning into nightmares progressing into reality.

'I was standing on a cliff, looking down at the heaths. The same man stood beside me, unaware of my presence. He was still unclear but I could tell his outline. He was in a navy suit with a brown trench coat waving in the wind that I couldn't feel. His face looked hard with grief behind his disheveled quiff of brown hair. He was staring in the distance at a girl sitting on a hill surrounded with water, unable to move. The man looked oddly familiar, but I don't believe Iv'e seen him before. At one last attempt he tried to reach out, giving up before collapsing on the ground.


Edited: 2-23-14. 2:31


If you didn't know, in her dream I was trying to describe David Tennant (Doctor Number 10).

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

Erin Xx.


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