17. Hallucinations

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The Doctor


Ugh, a few things I hate: dust, darkness, and dangerous situations. Truly, I'm sorry about my 'mad' ramblings, as Clair used to call them. Never mind I take back the part about the dust, it can actually taste quite good if it's less than 2 years old. That's not my purpose anyway, the thing I actually came here to do was find (well break in would be a better term) out what demonic creature has been abducting all these innocent people.

As I said before, I think that it's still a weeping angel. Not positive but still keeping hope (well not hope 'cause that would be quite crazy as weeping angels can be dangerous, very dangerous).

Walking through the thick layer of dust, the floor creaked beneath my feet. One thing I love about old houses, besides the dust, is how you can learn their stories in a matter of impressions. That sounded WAY better in my head. But in essence, for me, it's a shudder that reaches down your spine, making a person guess what had happened before.

Wandering through the desolate halls, I made checklist of rooms; Kitchen, nothing extraordinary. Bedroom, quite a mess indeed. Living room, finally the scene of the crime. (Honestly can't believe I didn't check that first, but in my standards that's normal.) Crouching down towards the carpet it felt rugged beneath my fingers. A pen sat on the floor, leaking ink that had now dried into a hard crust. My guess would be as Mr. Burton found out the stone's dark secret, he tried to clear away his vision of madness from his eyes but by then the angel had already gained on him, leaving nothing more than an empty house behind.

Looking around the bland walls, I tried to see clues that would tip me off to recent activity in the room. Footprints trailed along the room with the freshest set unfinished, stepping away from the desk. And here I am making one of the most dangerous mistakes of my life;

"I know that you're in here and there's no use hiding 'cause we both know you'll catch up eventually." I added in case my presence wasn't enough.

A frightening laugh filled the room, moving as I turned around quickly trying to find the cause of my fright. That's the one thing about angels, they have impacted me in a way I can't count how many times it has been. But the unsettling thing is that they never seen to disappear.

"Oh, so that's how you want to play it now?" I asked still watching my back.

Walking through the center of the room, I headed towards the right corner still staring out the corners of my eyes. A cool breeze touched my neck like the one I felt in the T.A.R.D.I.S. before but with a more dangerous edge. I'm starting to get strange feeling in here, so my best option would be running the hell out at this point.

Reaching in my pocket I pulled out the sonic screwdriver, flipping it in the air (personally I think it looks pretty cool). Rubbing my finger down the cool metal casing I switched it to setting 6, pressing down on the handle it buzzed for a few seconds before the green light went out. The one time I actually need it, it fails. I updated it last when I was bored since I am running out of things to do, which with a time machine would seem impossible.

Since my last option failed, I retreated back toward the door. Turning to look left, the angel was reaching out with clawed hands, snarling at thin air but still dangerous stone. Tripping over the floor from my lack of vision I starting running like hell, pushing past the endless maze of doors and out into the crisp air. I have a feeling that the angel will stay there for a while until it can play its cards right by luring more people into its trap as the investigation continues.

See, here's the horrific side of weeping angels; when you look at them they appear as solid stone but in reality they are in a fixed state by their time-bound structure. But when you look away it brings them back into a sort of third dimension in which they move, almost like a hunter trying to trap prey. Angels are patient and won't hesitate to wait weeks for prey to come trailing in. But if part of the 'stone' breaks they send out sonic signals, letting others to come to their defense. So in essence the only protection against them is to not blink, and don't even think to look away. 'Cause after all, no one can look at everything all at the same time...

But here's the reason I'm terrified of the angels, they remind me of myself. and in a way we are symmetrically alike, we both take beings to places they've never been, making them feel lost with no hold on what's real and what isn't. But the final step in my case is that all of they leave in the end, scared of me. They run away and never look back.



12:58 flashed on my watch which seemed impossible as it read that a few minutes ago, I must be losing my mind.

Boring, utterly boring as currently I was sitting on the spiral railing trailing up the T.A.R.D.I.S. steps, legs swung over and bobbing slightly (which is a thing I only do if I'm confused). Staring at my rocking feet, it was the only thing I wanted to think about 'cause in a strange way it made me forget everything.

The door opened abruptly letting in a cold draft and just as soon was slammed shut cutting off the rest of the world, the Doctor was already starting to slide down the wood with his back to the door. Holding his head in his hands I caught a glimpse of his eyes, filled with undiluted fear.

Popping up off the railing, I started running towards him. I slowed when I was about a meter away, not sure what to do if I got any closer (as part of me was truly scared if he couldn't notice me just once anymore). Struck with a feeling of confidence I edged closer, bending down when I was a couple inches away. Reaching out from my crouched position I stroked the Doctor's face with my (still transparent) hands on either side of his face.

I wonder what could scare the Doctor so much as he grabbing madly at his hair, running his hands through it wildly while mumbling words that were to low for me to hear. This is what it does to me, sitting here unnoticed. The emotions build up inside my head, creating such pressure it's unbearable. In here I'm completely alone, often I have seen glimpses of shadows running past but I imagine that's just my mind playing tricks on me. Starting to sing softly, I lost myself in the illusion that the Doctor could still see me but this time it was he that was lost.

"Doctor, please look at me." I begged, tears welling up in my eyes as I felt useless.

Looking up it seemed as the Doctor's icy eyes could see through my soul as he stared into the distance behind me. Sometimes I wonder if he can feel my presence. As he stopped shaking he appeared to gain more control, pupils dilating back to normal as his hands were removed from his tangled mess of hair.

"Clair." The Doctor questioned as if he were hallucinating.



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*this is kinda just a filler, but 5 votes?

I'm Not Okay (I'm Promise) - Erin Xx.

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