Chapter 22.

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Skip to the flight to LA
"Are you nervouse to meet the boys?" i ask Lily as we put our seat belts on
"Yes. Im scared too." she says and smiles uncontrollably.
"Dont worry they are nice guys." i say.
"How do you know?" she asks.
(A/N Lily already knows that Madison and Ashton are siblings)
"Well um ya know how i used to live in San Clemente?" i ask.
"Yeahh?" she says confused.
"Well me and Kian went to high school together and we kinda dated." i saw.
"What the shit! Shove a cactus up my ass!" she says kinda loud and people glared at us.
"Shut the hell up." i say and laugh at what she just said.
"I just cant believe it. Your lips have touch Kians mouth."she says making me cringe at mine and Kians relationship.
"Omg have you guys had sex?" she asks.
"Chill it with the questions." i say and we both laugh. Eventually we could take our seat belts off and we both fell asleep.

"Madison wake up." i hear Lily whisper to me.
"What happened?" i say as i wake up.
"We landed!" she says excitedly.
We got to the gate where people pick you up I see my mom and Ashton but i dont see jenn. I drop my suitcases and hug my famly that havent seen in a while.
"Ahhh jenn!" i yell and run and hug her.
"I missed you." she cried into my shoulder.
"Jenny baby im so proud of you." i say while talking about how far she has come on Youtube.
"I love you." she says and hugs me again.
"I love you too." i say and we get our suit cases and Lily says
"Why didnt you tell me you know jenn x penn!" she says while fan girling. Then Jenn walks to her and hugs her.
"And Ashton Irwin is here. I think im gonna fucking faint." she says making us laugh.
"Lets head back to the house so you can show Lily around." my mom says.
Once we get home I walk to my old empty room that only has a bed and dresser.
"You can put your clothes and stuff right there." i say to Lily.
We start un packing and once we are done i ask lily if she wants to go out to get ice crean with jenn and I. She agrees and we leave the house.
"Lets go in my car." jenn says.
"Ohh you got a new car." i say admiring her Mercedes Benz.
"Its so nice." lily adds.
"And expensive as hell." jenn says and we get in her car.

"So have you talked to him?" jenn asks me.
"Nope but tomorrow I will have to." i say.
"Sorry about that. You dont have to come." Lily says.
"No she has to go." Jenn says.
"Why?" i ask.
"What if you guys fall in love again and have babies." jenn says "Kian has a girlfriend." i say.
"Oh she is a fucking bitch. When ever I go to Kian and Jc's house shes literally all over Kian and she acts so stuck up." Jenn says.
"AHHH!!" Lily yells and starts crying.
"What the fuck happened?" i ask her.
"Look!" she says and runs to Jc.
Me and Jenn look at each other and laugh. And end up following her.
"Oh hi." Jc says to lily not noticing me or Jenn. I dont know Jc at all i only know him because some times Jenn talks about him.
"Can we take a picture?" Lily asks as Jenn hands her a napkin to wipe her tears aways.
They take their picture and Lily, Jenn, and Jc talk and i just awkwardly stand there.
"You must be Madison?" Jc says to me and shakes my hand.
"Yup thats me." i say while laughing.
"Yeah Kian talks about you alot." he says. Then realizes what he just said.
"Oh my. Please dont tell kian or worse Julia he would kill me." he says.
"Is it good or bad talk?" i ask curiosity taking over me.
"Mostly good but sometimes bad." he says.
"Anyways are you coming to the show tomorrow?" he asks Lily.
"Yup me and Madison. I even got us VIP so we will meet again." she says and giggles.
"Your really pretty." Jc says to her.
"Thank you." she says while blushing.
"Thats grouse." Jenn and i say in unison so we can tease them.
"Just exchange numbers already!" i say while laughing at the love birds.
They do so and we say our good byes.
As we get back to the car Lily says
"I cant believe i just got his number."
"What the hell?" Lily says in a whisper while looking at her phone.
"What?" i say and try to look at my phone.
"Look what kian is tweeting. I shouldnt be this happy." she says and hands me the phone so Jenn and i can see.
The tweets were saying stuff like
"Fucked around and got attached to you ."
"When I look into her eyes I wanna see yours ."
I refreshed hus twitter page and he had tweeted
"Holy shit." lily says.
"Bitch call him that guy is still in love with you."
"He tweeted again." Lily says.
"Still in love with you but my friends dont know ."
"No we know." we all say in unison.
"Im gonna drop you off at his house." Jenn says while pushing us to the car.
"Jenn you can't it will make things even more awkward." i say.
"Guys Jc just texted me." Lily says.
"That was quick." i say suprised.
"I know." she says and flips her hair and we laugh
"Awwww!" she says
"What happened?" jenn asked.
"He said that before the meet and greet he said we can meet at starbucks and give us upgraded vip passes." she says
"What are upgraded vip passes?" i ask
"We get 20 extra mins with them." she says excitedly.
I just turn my head to Jenn tomorrow is gonna be so interesting.
Once we get home i talk to my mom and ashton while lily goes upstairs to rext Jc and Jenn decided to go Ardens house.
"Have you talked to Kehgan?" my mom asks.
"Kian?" i ask.
"Yeah that one." she says and makes Ashton laugh.
"No i havent. But he has a girlfriend." i say and she nods her head.
"NO HE DOESNT!" i hear Lily yell from upstairs.
"THEY BROKE UP!" she adds.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" i yell as i walk up stairs. And she shows me that Jc texted her saying that he has been crying about me instead of Julia.
"AHHHAHHH!!" me and Lily yell together.
"Wait does this mean you still like Kian?" Lily smirks at me.
"Of course i never denied it."
"Go to his house." she says.
"No what am i gonna say hey temember me your ex-girlfriend we havent talked for a year but you broke up with your girlfriend so that good for me?" i say sarcastically.
"Jc invited us over. Can we go please? You know how happy this would make me." she begs while doing puppy dog eyes
"Uhh fine only for an hour." i say and she does humms in response. "Wait get ready, show kian what he would've had." she says and shes right this is gonna be the first time we see each other in person and i wanna look good. I put my hair in a cute messy bun and a burgundy shirt that shows cleavage. Then I put some ripped blue jeans and rolled them up at the end and put on my white converse.
"Are you ready?" she asks me.
"No im talking about Kian like are you ready to see him this is big." she says freaking out.
"Im gonna be fine." i asure her.
"Bye mom we are gonna go to a friends house." i say while walking out the door.
We get in Jenns old car and drive to Kian & Jc house. Im honestly am suprised I remember how to get there. In about 30 minutes we are at their new house.
"Its big." she says and I pull into the drive way.
"Yeah." i say. Ive only been here like 3 times because they had just moved in together when me and Kian broke up.
We get off the car and Lily rings the foor bell and we wait. I see the silhouette of a guy walking to the door. And I instantly feel nervous and like i shouldnt have came.
"Lily I think its him." i say and grab her hand. Then the door opens revaling Kian sad eyes and messy hair.
"Hi." he says and smile a bit.
"H-Hi." i stutter.
"Come in." he says and opens the door a little more so we can walk in.
"Who are you?" Kian asks Lily.
"Im Lily, Madison's and Jc's friend." she says.
"Let me go get him." kian says and goes to call Jc.
"Holy crap." i whisper to lily.
"He is still fucking sexy." i add
"I know right." lily says and i realize im still holding her hand and i let go.
"Finally you were sqeezing my hand so hard I though it was gonna break." she says while laughing.
"Hey girls." he says and hugs us.
We sit in the kitchen for like an hour and Kian comes out of his room to get a water bottle. He has a blanket wrapped around him.
"Lets leave them." Jc mouthed to Lily as kians back was turned to us.
"No guys." i mouth back but they were already walking away. And Kian turns around.
He looks at me and hus eyes get really glossy.
"We havent talked." says. And he looks broken. So I hug him.
And he hugs back. And i start crying. Why the hell am i crying.
"I hate you." kian says to me.
"What?" i say confused and let go of him.
"I hate you." he repeats.
"I hate that i love you so much but i cant love you because its wrong. You hurt me. I never thought i was gonna date anyone again. But then i saw you on the face time call. And i think i fell in love with you all over again. And Julia noticed and broke up with me. " he says.
"Thats not my fault." i say.
"Yeah it is if you werent so damn beautiful inside and out i wouldnt have fallen in love with you again." he says making me cry even more.
"I love you too." i say and he reaches for my jaw and pulls our faces closer together. Our faces were so close but we werent kissing. And even though his eyes were brown they seem to be turning hazel.
"Kiss me." i whisper. And we do. And i felt the sparks. Wait what the hell am i saying i felt explosions. I missed kians lips on mine so much.
As we are kissing his blanket falls making me smile.
"Kian. I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"Do you forgive me?" i ask. And he nods his head.
Then we heard slow clapping and we look and see Jc, Lily, Jenn, and Arden clapping.
"We came just in time." Jenn says. "Wanna go to my room." kian whispers to me. And i nod my head and he grabs my hand and walk to his room. I look back at the group and send them a thumbs up.
"Hows college life?" Kian asks me.
"Boring." i say.
"Really?but there are so many parties." he says.
"I dont go to them." i say truthfully.
After like an hour of awkwardly catching up Lily came to his room and asked if we can leave because she had to wake up early the next day (which is the meet and greet)
"Bye Kian."
"Bye Madison. I love you."
"I love you too. See ya tomorrow." i say back and hug him.
I said good bye to Jc andvthe other girls had already left.
They reunited. Please vote and comment
Desi F.🌙☁🌷

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