Chapter 23.

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"Today is the big day." Lily said as she got up from my bed.
"Yup." i say with a slight laugh
"Where can i shower?" she asks and i show her to my bath room and i get out so she can shower. While she is showering i look for an outfit. Ten minutes pass i finally find something to wear and its high waisted shorts and Jc's merch that I have had for a while. Once i set out my outfit i go downstairs and make breakfast for my Jen,Lily, and I because my mom and Ashton had went out for break fast.
I made pan cakes, eggs, and bacon. Once i finished i called Lily and Jenn down stairs. We sat at the dining room table.
"Are you coming with us to the meet and greet?" Lily asks Jenn.
"No I have 2 meetings today." she says.
"For what?" i ask.
"My manager is making me audition for a movie role and we have to plan stuff for my YouTube channel."
"Good luck on the audition." Lily says. And I nod my head.
"Thanks." she says. Once we were done eating we get ready again.
"I gonna take a shower." i tell Lily.
Before I got in the shower i check the time and see it's already 1:00
We need to leave by 2:30 to meet the boys at Starbucks before the M&G.
I get out of the shower at about 1:30
I blow dry my hair then straighten it. I put on my make up. I walk out the restroom and i see Lily finishing up her make up on the floor. Her hair is slightly wavey but she then puts a black hat on.
She is wearing a white crop with gray sleaves that go up to her elbow. She is wearing blue wripped jeans with white converse.
"You look good." i say.
"So do you." she says.
I put on my white converse as well and grab my purse and phone.
"Im ready." she said.
"Okay lets go."
As we walked to the car i looked for Kians contact in my phone to ask what Starbucks we were meeting at.
"Hi Kian?" i ask.
"Yeah what up?" he asks.
"What Starbucks are we gonna meet at?"
"Ill text you the direction. Love you." he says.
"Okay and love you too." i say and hang up. He sent me the text and we left the house.
About 20 minutes later i pull into the Starbucks where their was a big crowd of girls like BIG im talking like 50 girls.
"Crap." i whisper and park Jenns old car.
"Thats a lot of people." Lily says nervously.
"When we get to the crowd just run right in." i say and she nod her head but before we get ou i text Kian tellimg him that we are in the parking lot and to make sure the door is unlocked when we get in.
We walked to the crowd and everyone looked at us then instantly they were screaming
"KADISON!" mine and Kians ship name i guess.
I take some pictures then the security guard came and got me and Lily.
We walk in and the Starbucks is empty except for Kian and Jc.
We hug each other and kian says. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. I like your flower crown." i say to him.
"Hell yeah you got my merch." Jc says while laughing. We talk for like 5 minutes then they give us our passes.
"See you guys soon." they say. Then we walk out and Kian is holding my hand tightly while taking pictures with his viewers. "Im gonna walk you to your car." he whispers to me.
"Its fine." i say to him.
Then everyone started chanting
Me and Kian look at each other and laugh.
"Come here." he says and lightly pulls our faces together and pecks me on the lips.
And everyone yells.
Jc says bye to lily and run to theur tour bus.
And Kian,Lily,and I run to the car.
"Bye baby." kian says and kisses me.
"Bye." i say. And watch him run to the tour bus with his security guard and the girls following. As I put my seat belt on girls start surrounding the car.
"Well damn." Lily says.
"What do i do?" i ask
"Tell them to move." she says.
"We can't thats rude."
Then i look back to see Kian getting in the tour bus and a security gaurd making his way to my car. I hear him tell the girls to leave. Once the area is clear I drive to the venue.
When i get there I pay for parking then we walk to the place where the M&G is located.
There is already girls waiting. We stand in line and soon enough there are people every where.
Then a girl taps on my arm and asks for a picture so take one with her. I dont know why they want pictures with me Im just Kian's girl friend.
After an hour we are finally next.
Lily takes her pictures
Photo above
"Ive never seen you before." Jc says to her while laughing.
Then its my turn I guess.
"Funny seeing you here." Kian says and Kisses my cheek and everyone awwes.
"Your blushing." Kian says and pokes my cheek.
"Stop loser." i say jokingly. For the photo Kian and Jc kiss my cheeks and Kian says.
"Jc back off this is my girlfriend." and we laugh.
"Don't worry mine is over there." he says and points to Lily that is talking to Harrison.
"Ooooooo" i say and laugh
"Bye. Have fun at the show." Kian says to me and Hugs me.
"Bye." jc says to me and Lily.
"Bye." we say back.
We had time to kill so we went to eat before the show.
"Its weird going to a meet and greet even though we already know them and stuff." lily says
"But you payed for it so you might as well go." i say and she agrees.we finish eating and go back to the venue.
We find our seats and we are sitting really close to the center of the stage.
Then Dom starts playing music and the show starts. Towards the end of the show
Kian says.
"Can Madison and Lily come to the stage?" everyone starts looking for us and we walk to the stage and Kian helps us find the stairs.
"This is Madison and this is Lily." jc says pointing to us.
"We are gonna play bestfriend VS boyfriend." kian says.
"Can we cuss?" i ask.
"Sure." kian says.
"So basically ill ask Kian and Lily questions about me and who ever answers the questions correctly wins. Right?" I ask.
"Okay lets begin." i say.
"What is my favorite color?"
"LILAC!" Kian screams.
"Yes i think you made everyone go deaf." i say and the crowd laughs.
"What is my full name?" i ask
"MADISON IRWIN!" Kian yells
"No." i say and laugh
"What the hell?!?!" he screams
"You don't know her middle name?" Jc says surprised.
"MADISON MIA IRWIN!" Lily yells.
"Kian watch when we get home." i say motioning to my shoe.
"Oooo she is gonna hit you with her shoe." Jc says
"Dont worry ill film it guys." he adds while laughing.
"Next question. When is my birthday?"
"November 1st!" they say in unison.
"Rock paper scissors." Jc says
And lily wins.
"Lets do one more. Then if we need to we will do a tie breaker.
Where do i live?"
"NEW YORK!!" Lily yells
"I didn't even have time to answer that!" kian says.
"Ha.Ha.loserrrrr!" lily says to him.
"How about loser get tazed?" jc says.
"Fuck yeah." i say and Dom hands me the tazor.
"Come here baby boy." i say to Kian jokingly.
"Ugh this is gonna fucking hurt." kian says.
"Im gonna do it on your arm."
I taze him and he jumps and trips on a cord.
"Owww that fucking hurt like shitttt!" kian yelled. And I walked closer to him to help him up.
"Im sorry." i say while laughing.
"Ill get you back." kian said and got up.
After the show we went to the VIP M&G .
There was 8 other gurls there. Kian and Jc were sitting on the stage and the girls were standing in front of it.
"OMG! Madison is here." i heard girls whispering. After people were just talking to Kian and Jc. Then Kian told me
"Come here." and gestured to the space beside him.
"How am i supose to get up there the stairs are blocked." i say.
"Ill pick you up." by this time every one was staring at us. Then Kian jumped off from where he was sitting on the stage and picked me up then sat down next to me then the girls said
"Aww goals!"
"Kadison." and me and Kian just laughed.
"Are you guys gonna get married?" a girl asked.
And we just nervously laughed.
"Umm. We dont um know." kian said.
"Yeah we are still young." i say.
"Kian sing." a girl said.
"No im okay. Jc can do a back flip instead." he said.
"Kian sing for them." jc teased.
"No." kian said and crossed his arms.
Then they started chanting
"Ill sing if Madison sings with me." he smirks at me.
"Sing helplessly." one of the girls suggested.
"Fuckkkk." kian groaned and rubbed his temples.
"Its like 2014 all over again." i say. Remembering the first video we made together.
"That was so long ago." he says and kisses me.
"Lets sing now." i say with a laugh.
We sing half of the song and Kian ends it.
Then they started clapping.
"That was embarrassing." kian says and leans down to put his head in my neck.
"Why?" i say and laugh.
"I just sang with my horrible voice." he says.
"Kian you sound amazing." i asure him. We continue talking to the other girls but then one of them looks at me and asks.
"Can i talk to you in private?"
She is 12 years old and i here with her older sister. I remember her saying that earlier.
"Um sure." i say and Kian helps me off of the stage.
"Thanks." i mumble. And grab the little girls hand and walk to the back of the venue.
"What going on?" i ask as we sit down.
"Well um my name is Desiree and I wanted to tell you that I dont know if you and Kian are dating but please make sure he is happy. He is my absolute world. And I wanted to let you know that you make Kian a better peroson. If you weren't here he probably wouldn't sing for us today.
Please don't hurt him." she said while tears were streaming down her face.
"Dont worry Hes my world too." i said and hugged her and started crying then I heard foot steps coming towards us.
"Woah. Girl talk? Should I leave?" kian asks makimg her smile.
"Actually stay." i say.
"Hi." kian said to Desiree.
"Hi." she says excitedly.
"Whats your name?" he asks.
"Desiree." she says.
"That's a beautiful name." he say.
"Thank you. I was named after my grand mother." She says.
"That's cool." he says awkwardly. "Did you have fun today?" i ask her.
"Yes! This is the best day of my life." she says and looks at her vip pass.
"You make me happy." she says to Kian.
"Im glad I can do that. I love so so so much." Kian says and hugs her.
While he is hugging her she starts crying again.
"Dont cry." kian says and tickles her.
"I love you so much it makes me cry. Thank you for today Ill never forget it." she says
"I enjoy seeing you guys happy. I wouldn't trade making people happy for the world." he says.
"Do you want to walk back to the group now?" he asks her.
"Sure." we get up and he hold her hand. I walk behind them. As they are walking she looks up at him and smiles the biggest cutest smile I've ever seen.
I took a picture of them and sent it to Kian so he can see it later.
Another 10 minutes pass and its time for everyone to leave.
I hold Desiree and her sister back after all the girls left.
"Can I get you guy's number?" i ask.
"Sure!" desiree gives me her number and so does her sister.
Once they left Kian asked.
"There is something about her huh?"
"Yeah. Its weird but in a good way." i say.
"I love this picture." Kian says showing me his phone to the one I had sent him.
"Me too." like 3 minutes later he posted the picture on Instagram and the caption said
"You guys have changed my life for the better. I love you guys, 5 ever✌💖"
"When do you go back to school?" Kian asks.
"2 weeks."
"You and Lily should come on the tour with us. We are gonna be in New York in like a week and a half." he said.
"That would ve so much fun."
"Yeah all my favorite people." he said.
"Is there gonna be enough space on the tour bus?" i ask.
"Yeah there is 2 more beds."
"Lets do it then!" i say
"YAY!!" Kian,Jc,Dom,Ryan,Harrison,Vitay, and Lily say.
"But we need to stop at my house." i say.
"Lets get going then." Kian says. We leave through the back door and there is a bunch of people waiting behind a gate to take pictures. Lily doesnt like all the flashes so she runs straight to the tour bus with Kian and Jc's manager. I was about to get on the bus when people started asking for pictures with me. I took a couple pictures. And the boys were still outside when i got in the bus. After like 5 minutes they got on the bus. When we are driving to my house Vitaly says
"Let me take a picture of you and Kian."
I sit closer to Kian and kiss his cheek and he has a big smile on.
"Awww that is so cute." i saw as Vitaly shows us the picture.
"Damn I look good." kian says jokingly.
20 more minutes of driving and the big bus parks on the street infront of my house.
I get off the bus and See the security gaurd driving Jenns car. He parks and me and Lily go inside I tell my family whats going on and I go upstairs and get all of my stuff i brought and so does Lily.
"Bye I love you guys."we say our good byes then we get back on the bus.
"LETS GET THIS TOUR STARTED!!" Dom says while snap chatting.
That was a long chapter. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment.
Desi F.🎀🌙🌌

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