8 Granny Visit

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One more memorable thing that happened was her grand mother's visit. Her paternal grandfather had died when she was a baby but her grandma was still alive and this was an opportunity to treat her like a queen. In gulf they have visit visas for 3 months for families. Those three months were like the best. She got close to her grandma, heard bedtime stories, slept with her and roamed the streets of Bahrain with her.

They went places where it looked like the Earth had weaved its magic into the trees and plants to make them look like trees from heaven to beaches where the blue green sea calmed your senses and stunned you with its silent beauty.

She loved those days. They were like the first rays of sunshine after long days of clouds. The best part though was the video they made. They taped every tour and moments. The jokes they shared, the places they went to all wraped in a single CD.

There is a interesting thing that comes to mind at this stage. From a person Esha never talked to much to a person she spent almost all day with her granny became quite special to her. She wondered how can her father be such a cruel person when he had such sweet parents. Would even she turn into him one day or can she keep her individuality.

Sometimes you just don't know how you will turn out to be or how the person beside you is like till you don't spend some time knowing the person. One may look like they are just about perfect but afterwards may change their colour so fast that you won't recognise them at all. As for how we turn out. We have the sense in us to know what's right what's not the only matter is what we choose to inherit and what we choose to discard.

Esha made a promise to herself during that time "she would never become her father if she could avoid it". Its a hard promise but one she still remembers.

That time with her granny was one of the most precious times she never wanted to forget. Those memories still come to her when she hears some of the songs they had put in their CD. One of them being "Baby One More Time". It had memories of the pranks and leg pulling with her granny.

Songs can be a great relief. They send you into a trance where you can live the memories that connects you to the songs. Some people sometimes have so bad memories with songs they stop hearing them but most just avoid songs with bad memories.

After her granny left she was a little upset and a little lonely. But soon she adjusted and became more focused on school and friends.
The bond they had created during those three months stayed strong so whenever she came back to India during summer she spent some with her granny too.

A little sweet memory here a bad memory there altogether made her stay in Bahrain perfect. And soon another change came. After 4 years in this little Island she was returning home. Her father had left this job to get another in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. And they have go through the same process of 6 months all over again..........or is it?

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