o n e - h u n d r e d - f i f t y - o n e

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The signs as things Pokemon GO players have done:

Aries: got hit by a car the day of launch

Taurus: found a pokemon on their toilet, decided to "wait until it's done" first

Gemini: went hunting for pokespots only to become deeply interested in local lore of which they had never previously heard

Cancer: crossed four lanes of traffic (successfully) for a pokemon

Leo: rode their bike in large circles for hours to hatch eggs

Virgo: went out looking for a pidgey, found a real abandoned baby bird and cared for it until they could get it to a wildlife center

Libra: bought $100 worth of pokecoins

Scorpio: caught a ghastly that was on the opposite end of a Burger King counter

Sagittarius: was hit by a car

Capricorn: unwittingly followed a jynx to a playground and overtly pointed their camera-phone towards children

Aquarius: arrested for trespassing in a graveyard at 3am looking for ghost pokemon

Pisces: pulled their car over on a busy highway to catch a jigglypuff

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