Chapter 2 - Why should I?

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   I walked around the clinic in a stupor for the rest of the day.

   What did he mean by he couldn't tell me yet? Who did he need clearance from? Why couldn't he just tell me? Why would they need me to enter the Choosing? Who did the first guy work for? How was he rich? Why wasn't he turned down often? Was he handsome? Should I have just accepted? I mean, I'm not interested in a husband right now... But if he's rich he could support both me and my fam-

   "Bella. Have you even heard a word I've said?" Miss Larissa had her hands on her hips and was looking down at me quite grumpily.

   I was stooped over another box of medicines. I was supposed to be organizing them but just sat staring at them.

   I didn't know Miss Larissa had entered the room, let alone that she had been talking to me.

   "Uh, Of course I have been listening to you!"

   Miss Larissa sighed and gave me a pitying look, her eyes full of concern. "Dear, don't try to fool me. What happened? I know between the two boys you talked too, something happened. Don't try lying to me," she shook a scolding finger at me, "You are a horrid lier. I can always tell when you are lying."

   "Hey! I'm not that bad!"

   Miss Larissa scoffed at me. "N-no, M-mi-miss Larissa," she mocked, "I'm not lying to you. I've done all my homework!"

   I stood and lowered my eyebrows into a scowl. "That's not fair! That was one time! A long time ago I might add!"

   Miss Larissa patted my cheek, "Yes, Dear, only once. You stuttered and blushed so bad that I thought you were sick and wouldn't let you out anyway," Miss Larissa said with a chuckle.

   I felt my lips lift into a smile of my own, even as I tried to frown at her. "In my defense, I was only ten! I'd never had to lie before. I'm better now then what I was!"

   Miss Larissa laughed even harder at me and I felt my scowl return.

   "Why was I even staying with you when I was ten? Not that I don't love you," I teased.

   "I don't remember. It was only you, so your parents must have still been in town. Oh! I remember! You asked to stay. I had a cute patient that day and you didn't want to leave his side. Of course when I released him you decided you wanted to go out."

   I blushed, fully remembering that it was Aaron who had been here that night. "It's not that he was cute, it's that he was my best friend."

   "Oh, Dear, even now you couldn't lie to save your life!"

   I frowned at her and crouched down, getting ready to start actually working, tired of her teasing.

   Miss Larissa grabbed my arm and pulled me back up to face her.

   "I'm sorry," she giggled out. "I'll stop laughing at you now. Just tell me what's wrong dear. What happened?"

   She pulled me by the arm and dropped me into a comfy chair.

   I let out a content sigh, happy to leave my uncomfortable crouch on the floor. I put my hand to my forehead and rubbed away the fast forming headache as I thought about the two visitors. "Where do I begin? So much has happened. The first guy wanted me to be betrothed -"

   Miss Larissa scrunched up her nose in distaste. "He wanted you to be betrothed to him?"

   I laughed lightly at her expression, all the mocking of me she did earlier now forgotten. "No. Not him. The man he worked for sent him. Apparently, he is wealthy and has been looking for a 'respectable wife'," I air quoted. "Like I would marry someone that didn't ask me himself! I don't care if he is the wealthiest man on earth! If someone wishes to be my betrothed, they better have the nerve to ask me themselves," I huffed. "This isn't even the first time this had happened! More than once someone has sent a friend to ask for my hand instead of doing it personally. Men need to learn how to treat girls better!"

   Miss Larissa chuckled at me. "What did the second man want? The officer? I tried to get him to tell me but he refused. Claimed he had strict orders to talk to you and you only. I think he didn't want to explain it twice."

   My thoughts grew troubled as I thought about what he had to say. I rubbed my forehead again, trying to ward off the headache. "He wanted to know if I was going to enter the Choosing," I explained.

   Miss Larissa's eyebrows shot up, "Isn't the Choosing voluntary? It's been awhile since I was eligible, but I do remember that much about it."

   I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration. The Choosing was for ages twelve to twenty. Larissa is only thirty-six. Only out of the running for sixteen short years.

   "It is voluntary," I answered slowly, thinking over my answer. "He talked me into considering entering. I told him that I wouldn't win, he retorted by telling me that there was no risk in entering if that was how I felt."

   Miss Larissa looked at me curiously, "Did he tell you why he wanted you to enter?"

   My face scrunched up, "He said he couldn't tell me yet, but he would be able to soon."

   Miss Larissa looked at me and got a far away look. I started fidgeting in my seat and twirling my  hair after a few minutes, feeling like she wasn't looking at me, but through me.

   "Are you going to enter?" She finally questioned.

   "I-I really don't know. My family needs me, but as the officer also pointed out, Lee will soon be able to work."

   Miss Larissa leaned closer to me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you go upstairs and think about your choices? It's nearly closing time any way and I'm sure I can handle it by myself."

   The last time Miss Larissa had let me off early to 'think about my options', I refused her. She had thrown me over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and had me upstairs in my room before I could even protest. Then she proceeded to lock me in my room until I had made a decision.

   I was not going to resist this time – I'd end up doing what she wanted anyway.

   "If you really think I should." I stood from my seat and started for the stairs.

   "Bella, don't be too quick to count yourself out of the Choosing. You are more beautiful then you think you are," I rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs. "Why else would all these men be knocking on my door and asking for your hand?" She called after me.

   I shut the door to my room harder then I needed to.

   I knew why so many men were knocking on the door for my hand, and it didn't have to do with how I looked.

   I didn't have a father. There was no one to approve or disapprove of the men who wished to marry me.

   If I didn't have standards – other then someone who could care for me and my family – I would no doubt be married to a crude, leering man that thought nothing of me and only kept me for the sake of his image. That's the real reason men wanted me as their betrothed. Not because of my personality or even because I could be the picture perfect beautiful stay home mother and kitchen slave.

   They asked for my hand because they thought they could have me –not because they wanted me.

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