Chapter 15 - All Will Be Revealed

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   Getting Bella to my house wasn't difficult. Keeping her there was the hard part.

"Why can't I go home," she demanded. She sat on the edge of my extra bed glaring at Owen and me. "I'm perfectly fine!"

She struggled to her feet, wincing when pressure was placed on her wrapped ankle. She schooled her features into the blank look she adopted when she first woke up here and shifted her weight to the good foot.

"See? Perfectly fine on my own."

Owen and I shared a doubtful look.

"Take a step," Owen demanded.

Bella sucked her lip into her mouth, nibbling on her bottom lip in worry. She shuffled her good foot forward, wincing every time she leaned on her poor ankle. Planting her good foot, she lifted the other slightly and pulled it forward before planting it back down.

"See? All good." I could hear the pain in her voice the small hop-step had caused her.

"Bella," I spoke her name, sounding like a parent scolding an unruly child, "That was hardly a step and you know it."

She sighed out and flopped down onto her temporary bed.

"Can I please just go home?"

"You need to stay here until your ankle heals," Owen spoke up before I could.

She growled, a sound nearly as animalistic as my own. "I just want to go home! Why don't you understand that? I want to go back to Aaron and Lee. I don't want to be crippled in the woods alone while you are both in town. What would I do if the Beast attacked, huh? Did you even think about leaving me here alone and vulnerable?" Tears of fear ran down her face. Her body shook as her mind ran wild in its panic.

She flinched away when I walked near and sat beside her. I stroked her hair back from her face and ran my thumbs along her cheek. Tears hit my thumbs and were brushed away just as quickly as they came.

"The Beast won't hurt you," I whispered to her still shaking form.

"How do you know?" She cried out brokenly.

"I know. Just trust that I know," I whispered into her hair, nuzzling into her and enjoying the closeness while I still could.

Almost as if a switch had been flipped, I felt her stiffen beside me.

"It's you!" She exclaimed while pushing me away. She nearly knocked me off the bed but I regained my balance before hitting the hard wood floor. "This whole time," she continued, her voice raising, "This whole time it has been you!"

I look to Owen for help, but he had the same confused look that was surely on my face.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to grab her as she scooted away from me on the bed and pressed her back against the wall.

"This whole time I thought it was Owen!" She spat. I stiffened, finically realizing what she was talking about. "He was always saying things that only the Beast would know," she can't have figured it out. Not yet, please not yet. I can't lose her. "But it was you! You are the one that nearly killed Theo! You are the one that tried to attack me and did attack Aaron! You could have killed him!"

"I did not attack Aaron. Aaron attacked me and I defended myself! You can't blame me for what you little golden boy did! If I wasn't cursed to be the way I am, I would have died! Don't you understand, Bella?"

Tears were running down her face as she tried to shrink back into the wall. I grabbed her hand and brought it to my chest, flattening her curled up ball so it was pressed flat against my beating heart. She sobbed and tried to pull away.

"He nearly killed me. Don't you feel my heart? Only this morning it almost stopped! Your boy means nothing to me! He attacked me. If I had the chance, I would do the exact same thing except this time I would succeed in killing the brat."

She managed to pull herself out of my grip and scrambled off the bed and onto her feet. Before I could apologize and try to reconcile things with her, she took off running. I couldn't see her face, but I knew that through the fear was pain. The girl could hardly take a step, running had to be excruciating.

Owen stared at me with anger written all over his face.

"What are you waiting for?" I demanded. My anger shoved my humanity back and was allowing my curse to push itself forward. "Go after her," I growled.

Owen glared at me. "You claim you love her," his face was angry but his voice was calm.

"Yeah," I bit out. "And so do you. Go. After. Her. She's a cripple, she couldn't have gotten very far.

He shot me one last glare before leaving the room and turning to the right to find my poor Bella. I exited shortly after him but turned to the left. I couldn't face her right now. I knew that she had to be in pain but I couldn't make myself care.

Maybe Owen was right, maybe I'm not what's best for Bella.

Maybe he is.

A/N: I have no idea how I'm going to solve the problem of Bella still being engaged to Aaron... *shrugs* All well. That's a problem for another day. See you soon my lil' Bookies

Oh, yeah. @antwinette ,and you thought Aaron was the needy one ;)

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