Chapter 14- All In Good A Time

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A/N: I may have run out of chapter name ideas...

   With little planning, I scooped the unconscious Bella into my arms and carried her to Owen's house.

I stretched out the arm that supported her upper body and knocked on the door gently. A pained groan crawled out of Bella's mouth as the movement jostled her snapped ankle.

After waiting a few seconds without Owen appearing, I stuck out my booted foot to kick the door; hoping with everything I had that he was back from the forest already. I tapped my foot against the door harder then I tapped with my hand but I made sure to hold my upper body as ridged as possible. Bella remained silent throughout the movement much to my delight. I really didn't want to hurt her more than I already had.

Finally, the door opened to reveal the messy headed Owen. His eyes widened as they made contact with the unconscious girl in my arms. He stared, not making any movement to let us in or help with my burden.

"Do you want to help a friend out?" I asked sarcastically.

He jumped and finally made eye contact with me. He nodded and stepped aside. I walked quickly through the door and headed to put Bella down on Owen's couch.

The door slammed shut. "You can lay her on the–" He trailed off when his eyes fell on Bella and realized I had already put her down.

He sighed and moved his eyes back to me. "What do you need my help with now? Need me to restrain her while you tell her you are the Beast? I'm assuming you are the reason she is now unable to move without assistance."

"Mocking me is not appreciated," I growled out. "I need your medical assistance–"

"Woah," he held up his hand in a 'stop' gesture. "Just take her to Magenta. I know you aren't on very good terms with her right now but she can help her a lot more than I can."

I glared at him, "If you had let me finish, you would have found out that Magenta is gone. I don't know where she went or how long she'll be gone. I'm just happy to be rid of her."

"Ben, come on. I really can't do much. Besides, what's your plan for when she wakes up? How are you going to explain to her why she isn't with her soon-to-be husband?"

I shrugged. "I'll figure out something... maybe he died in a Beast attack." I flashed a wicked toothy grin at the thought.

"Not cool. She'll know you are lying when she sees him walking around on patrol."

I just rolled my eyes at him. "Just splint her leg so I can take her to my home. Everything will be okay, I promise."

He sighed but walked off to find a hard board to splint her leg with. He returned and squatted at her side. He looked at me, his mouth set in a grim line.

"You better hold her down. She may be passed out for now, but he might wake up while we are fixing it," Owen looked pained at having to hurt her, but sometimes it can't be avoided.

I bent down beside her and placed her hands down at her side. I draped my arm across her stomach and arms. My other arm pressed down just above her knees to keep her from moving. I made eye contact with Owen and nodded for him to start. He grimaced and grabbed her hurt ankle. He ran his hand around the swollen area, pressing gently to test the bone.

He looked up at me. "I don't know where the bone is broken at. I can't fix it and splint it in place."

"So, what? We just have to leave it? There is nothing you can do?"

He shook his head. "She needs to stay in bed for one month at least. The best medicine for her right now is time, Ben. She's going to be in pain for a while but she'll be okay."

I smiled at him. "Do you want to help me take her home?"

He looked at me warily for a moment. "That sounds like a stupid idea. I'm in."

A/N: I have definitely failed on chapter length the past few updates... I know where I want to be but I don't know how to get from point A to point B. I'll figure it out soon! Thank you all for reading voting commenting and following! I get really excited every time I receive a notification!

LOL (Lots of Love)


Another Fairytale - Sacrificed to the Beast ✓ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now