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Hey! Check out this first chapter sneak peek of my next story!

   "Mommy, where do babies come from?" The little girl questioned, pulling on her mother's jeans and looking up at her with wide eyes.

Jasmine smiled down at her young daughter, her eyes filled with love.

"Well, when a mommy and daddy decide they want a baby, they have to catch a bird," she started.

"Really?" The little girl asked, her eyes growing impossibly wider. Jasmine nodded. "What happens to the bird? You didn't hurt the bird, did you?" The young girl asked with a gaping mouth.

"Of course not!" Jasmine exclaimed. She grabbed a hold of her her daughter and fell back into a fuzzy white couch – one of many over luxurious items in their too big home – pulling her daughter onto her lap as she went.

"Once you catch the bird, you have to tell him that you want a child, then you sent the bird free."

"So the birdy never gets hurt?" The little girl questioned.

"The birdy never gets hurt," Jasmine confirmed. The girl smiled up at Jasmine happily, silently prompting her to continue.

"One day the bird returns, with it he brings a baby. The perfect baby for the mommy and daddy. Our birdy brought us you and we couldn't be happier!"

"Why don't I have a daddy?" The child asked, her eyes wide and sad.

"How about we save that story for tomorrow night, okay?"

The child stuck out her bottom lip and looked at Jasmine pleadingly. "But I wanna hear it now!"

"Not tonight," Jasmine said firmly.

"Did my daddy die? My friend was really sad yesterday. Her mommy says her daddy died, which means he can't come home."

Jasmine didn't answer. She carried her girl to her little room and laied her in the bed. Jasmine tucked the covers tightly around the girl's sleepy form.

"Goodnight, Sweetie," Jasmine said with a kiss to her daughters forehead.

The girl reached up and clasped her hands around her mother's neck. "Will you stay with me tonight?" She pleaded.

Jasmine shook her head sadly. "I can't, baby. I have to work. I wish I could."

The girl nodded and released her mother.

"I love you," Jasmine told her as she left the room. The sleepy child mumbled something in return.

Jasmine sighed as she walked to her room to change into her work uniform. She hated work because he was always there. He knew her schedule and followed it as if his life depended on it.

She tugged on the mandatory black slacks and creamy yellow shirt. People always take wiatresses for granted. They treat them as if their wait for food was all the waiters fault and not the cooks. Jasmine had definetly spit in her fair share of costumers food.

She glanced at the clock and raced out the door, grabbing a handful of peanuts on the way. She had given the last of her actual food to her daughter. The job she had didn't pay well but she refused to let her daughter's father pay for anything. She was fine skipping a few meals, her daughter was still fed and healthy. That's all that maters.

The man had already forced her to accept the house she lived in. Everyplace she went to try to buy or rent was 'No longer available' which she later found out was because the stubborn man had payed them to turn her down. She tried the place she has now as a last effort. He owns the place and rented it out to her for a small fee. Every month she sends a check and every month he fails to cash it. She never sees the electricity or water bill either. He has them sent directly to him and apparently pays them. She still has runing water and functioning electricity.

Another Fairytale - Sacrificed to the Beast ✓ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now