Ch. 1

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The Volturi, the most powerful coven in the vampire world. They were known for being cruel, many feared them. Only select few new of the vampires existence, others were killed, well, eaten. For over 3,000 years the three kings, Marcus, Aro, and Caius, sat upon their Thrones giving out justice when it so called for it. If a vampire broke the law, they were killed, unless of course they had a special power then Aro could be easily persuaded. Until you refused his offer, however.

Marcus was the more quiet brother, and the oldest of the three. He could tell if someone was planning treason or if they were actually sentimental or just blowing smoke. His special ability was being able to see the bonds between people. From friend to enemy. Mother/Father to child. Brother to sister. Or even mate to mate. Ever since his wife was killed centuries ago he became a shell of a man. Didyme was his wife, and Aro's sister. He loved her very much, though, she was not his true mate. She had the ability to make people happy. One day, while fighting in a war, Didyme was tragically killed by an unknown assailant. To this day no one knows of her true killer. To this day, his non-beating heart still aches. He chooses to live on, however because something in the back of his mind tells him to.

Caius, the snow-blonde haired king. Everyone feared him and his sadistic nature. He would smile cruelly as he killed, laughing if his beast was let out. He didn't have a special power of his own, but he was a master strategist. He has one countless wars throughout his existence, even before he was turned over three thousand years prior. His wife, Athenadora, was alive and he did love her at one point. At one time thinking she was his mate, over time he knew she only clung onto him for power. In turn it has made him more of a bitter man. The only reason he doesn't kill her is because she fills the lonely void in his heart... when they start fucking like animals, anyways. He lets his frustrations out on her and she on him. Most of the resident vampires in the castle have heard them go at it from another wing of the palace. Each shuddering at how loud the damned woman could be. He never really knew when he would find his mate, but he had hope that one day he would be with her.

Aro, the 'head' of the Volturi. His gift is the gift of sight, one touch and he knows everything about a person. He may seem calm and collect, but under that exterior is a cynical beast. He revels in misery, and enjoys playing his little mind games. His smiles usually make people shudder in fear. His wife Sculpia, came around when Athenadora did, as they were friends of his sister, Didyme. He and his brothers turned them at the same time and have been with them since. He loved her, in the beginning, but after a hundred years, something was off to him. When he touched her it was as if her memories were fixed, faked. It unnerved him and he ceased physical contact with her, but she still remained his wife. As time went on he felt a strange pull, but never knew what it could be so he ignored it, and the nagging feeling he had in his brain.

Time went on and it was finally time for Candace to go on vacation, technically she had to go because her 'family' couldn't leave the blind woman alone at the house in fear of their property losing value if she died. Yes, she was blind. She wasn't always, though. When she was 10 her older brother, who was 13, sprayed WD-40 in her eyes, but didn't get in trouble for it. Her whole life she has been the punching bag of the family. Called names, kicked, smacked, until she became blind then she just became a nuisance to them. The only reason her mother and father kept her around was because her grandmother threatened to take them out of her will.

Candace was a 19 year old woman, with red hair, a dark maroon red that went down to the middle of her back, and at one point green eyes. Her eyes were now almost white. She was short, standing at only 5ft 4in. She was curved, unlike her sisters who made it their life to be as skinny as most models. The only saving grace in her family was her grandmother, and that alone gave her a reason to smile everyday.

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