Ch. 24

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"M-Mrs. Valentine?" Ashton's jaw dropped in shock.

The old woman, well she didn't look like an old woman right now. There before them stood a woman, in her 30's at most, with long red hair, and green eyes. She smiled at the young man who had protected her granddaughter all those years.

"Ashton, my boy, you have done well."

"H-How..? You're... you're dead, ma'am."

She chuckled. "I am well aware of that, my dear boy. The goddess of nature has given me the time to explain what's going on." She turned to the young woman on the bed, who had actual tears in her eyes, the same green eyes staring back at her. "Hello, little red." Surveying the room, her eyes landed on the three kings beside her granddaughter. "Just as handsome as I imagined." She laughed.

"I forgot about you..." Candace whispered. "Why?"

The older woman smiled sadly. "You were in pain, so I made you forget. I knew once you had turned, I would be able to say a proper goodbye."

"You look so... young..."

"This is how I looked until I had my... son." For a moment, she looked disgusted. "All my powers went into protecting you, instead of keeping me young. I vowed and made a deal with the goddess herself to keep you safe, but as fate would seem, I did a poor job of it. My son was evil, just like his father. His wife and other offspring were never worthy of my affections, until you came along. I knew of his wife's infidelity, I arranged it."

Everyone looked at her with confused looks.

"I found a young man, a warlock. His energy matched mine; pure and uninfluenced. Your mother went out for drinks with her friends, and I slipped a potion in to each of their drinks. You were conceived and I knew the consequences of my actions. You were the heir to my legacy. Not those two dim wits, or the elder brother. You."

"So, I'm..."

"You are a witch, my dear. A witch and vampire hybrid. While the venom that runs through your veins will make you live forever, alongside your mates, your power comes from you're father. It would seem I was right, however, and his bloodline outshines the vampiric venom."

"She is like my granddaughter then?" Carlisle spoke up, interested in the hybrid nature of the queen. "She can survive on either blood or human food?"

"My dear, Carlisle, she may be a hybrid, but she does not need blood to survive. Human food is all she really needs, like normal, but she will have the speed and strength that comes with a newborn vampire."

"You knew all these events were to unfold?" Aro asked the woman, intrigued.

Angela nodded, smirking. "I knew who you were. I knew my granddaughter was to be your mate the second she was born. For a long time, I even tried to move my family here, too Volterra or even to Verona, but my son and his wife would never allow me to take her with me. So, when I knew my time was to come, I arranged a vacation here, knowing she would find you, or the very least, you'd find her. I knew those two girls would want to explore the castle, especially when they noticed there were many cute boys coming in. I felt no remorse in their demise, don't look at me like that, child. They were cruel." She told the doctor, who looked at her in shock.

"And Ashton?"

"I knew he'd protect you, no matter what. Once he turned, I knew he'd cause you no harm. Lisa, I met when we were both... younger. The second I touched her hand I knew who her mate was, but I also knew how volatile she could be when provoked. So, I told you to send the twins. Had you sent anyone else, they surely would've perished. Her temper was never the best." She began to fade out some, becoming slightly transparent. "Oh dear, it seems my time is almost up." She walked to her granddaughter, wiping away the stray tears that began to fall. "Fear not, little red, ow you have a family that will do everything they can to protect you. You will learn to use your powers, and become the strong, powerful woman I know you can become." She kissed her forehead, walking away from the young woman. "I have left my journals for you in the library, as well as a few of your fathers I was able to salvage." Meaning he was more than likely dead too. "Stay strong, little red, and remember even though you may not see me," she smiled, becoming more and more see through, "I'll always be there."

Then, she was gone. No one said a thing, and Candace began to sob. Marcus pulled her too him, holding her tightly while looking at his brothers. Carlisle had told his family to give them some privacy, so they left. The guards choosing to stand guard outside the door, giving them a semblance of privacy.

"Your grandmother... was a strange woman." Caius said, staring at the spot the woman once was.

The red head laughed lightly, wiping away some tears. "That's how she always was... I hadn't been able to see her in so long..."

"Your father must've had red hair as well." Aro commented. "Since her son was not your biological father. It was... eerie how similar you two looked."

"She always said I reminded her of herself... Maybe that's why she chose that man. From what she said... I don't think he's alive anymore." She felt sad, but since she never knew the man, it didn't affect her so much. Just knowing she wasn't biologically related to that monster...

The kings, as if sensing her inner thoughts, surrounded her to comfort her.

"Do you wish for us to look into him? So, you may see him?" Caius asked, ready to do anything to appease his mate.

She thought about it. Did she really want to know? The more she thought the more she knew what she wanted.

"No." she said, surprising the three kings. "I have a few of his journals... that's enough for me."

Aro, who had his hand holding one of hers, smiled sensing she was appeased, nodding to his brothers who understood as well. They had their mate. They had their children. However, Candace couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else brewing just around the corner. When was the next ball going to drop, she wondered?


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