Ch. 5

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In Volterra things were finally falling into place, well, inside the castle anyways. Felix and Demetri, once the sun was starting to set, went back outside to get the items they went out earlier to retrieve. Once they got the last box they hear a commotion amongst the people. Two adults were looking for their two missing twin daughters. Felix growled lowly, only Demetri heard him.

"What is it now?"

"Those are the 'parents'."

It took the Greek a moment to realize who and what he was talking about before his eyes began to darken with anger.

"Have you seen these two teenagers?" The woman frantically asked a nearby couple.

"No non abbiamo perdere. Ci dispiace-"(No miss we haven't. We are sorry-) the man was interrupted by the woman yelling in his face.

"I don't speak Italian!"

"Tanya, calm down. They probably had to go search for her again and just lost track of time." The man told his wife.

The woman cursed at him. "When that little brat gets back make sure she remembers not to wonder off."

"Don't I always?"

Demetri had to place a hand on Felix's arm to prevent him from attacking the married couple and exposing their secret.

"Fíle, den kánoun típota ilíthio í oi dáskaloi tha échoun gaïdoúria mas." Demetri whispered angrily in Greek.(Don't do anything stupid or the masters will have our head for exposing ourselves.)

Felix took a deep breath and sighed before picking up the bags he had dropped. He froze when the couple approached them, it took everything in both of them not to rip their tainted heart out of their chests.

"Excuse me, sirs." 'Tanya' asked politely. "Have you seen our daughters?" She showed them a, rather provocative picture, of the twins, with orange fake tans and bikinis.

They took a look and shook their heads. "Sorry, we haven't seen them."

"Oh good you speak English. Are you sure you haven't seen them?"

"Sorry, but we've been busy preparing for the annual ball at the castle." Demetri spoke up, because if Felix did they wouldn't like it. "We've been to busy to notice two orange woman running around."

The father's face turned red. "Who the fuck do you think you are, boy?" He walked closer to Demetri, they were practically touching noses. "Those are my little girls and I don't take to kindly to two no good punks insulting them the way you just did."

"I didn't mean to offend. What I actually meant was... Quali sono state le persone di colore arancione mini in giro in quel film di tutti I dolci chiamati?" (What were those mini orange people running around in that movie about all the sweets called?) he asked Felix in Italian this time.

"Oh Oompa Loompas?" Felix chuckled. "Haven't seen any of them running around here lately. If we see them we'll make sure to send them back to Willy Wonka, sir." He said sarcastically.

"Why you little-"

"Luke, enough! We don't have time to waste on these two brutes. We need to find Val and Connie before it gets to dark. I hope you two fall off a cliff on the way home." Tanya said as she walked away with her nose in the air.

"Spero che i maestri mi permette di strappare la gola cazzo cagna ..."(I hope the masters will let me rip your throat out you fucking bitch.) Felix said in a low voice as she walked away.

"Quei due, e il loro figlio, non meritano che rapida di una morte, l'anima fratello. Non sprecate la vostra rabbia su di loro ora. Avremo loro alla fine."(Those two, and their son, do not deserve that quick of a death, soul brother. Do not waste

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