Ch. 15

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Aro looked at the blonde vampire with a neutral expression before sighing heavily. "This day has come faster than expected... What are your plans then Vecchio Amico? (old friend)"

"The rest of my family will be joining us slowly within the next few days. By the end of the week, we will all be in our home we have in Naples. However,..." Carlisle wet quiet, unsure of how to bring up Jacob.

Caius squinted his red eyes at the vegetarian vampire. "Well? Speak up Carlisle. You know how little patience I have for this..."

The doctor sighed. "My granddaughter, Reneseme, has been imprinted on by one of the shifters from the Quileute pack. Their imprinting is much like us finding our mates, he cant leave her for too long and- "

"Let him come." Marcus, who had been a quiet spectator this whole time, finally spoke up.

"Brother-"Caius went to object but Marcus held his hand up, quieting the blondes ranting he knew would happen.

"Peace, brother. They are not werewolves like those who attacked you long ago. He is a child, a teenage boy imprinted on a hybrid that he had no control over. We cannot let a child suffer just because you hold grudges over all wolves in general." The quiet king turned to his long-time friend. "He will be no trouble, I presume?"

"You presume correct, my king. Jacob knows what he is to do while he is here. We will return to Forks, once we figure out how to... rid ourselves..." he was having a difficult time getting what he needed to say out. "Once we figure out how to rid ourselves of our current threat."

"If we help, my friend, you must know that any threat against the Volturi, especially our mate, will have a punishment of death. You understand, right?"

"We understand, Aro, thank you. I will call Rosaline and let her know about Jacob. Jasper will be the last to know. He is the only one who can distract Alice and the others long enough for us to leave. They do not know where we are going, but they probably will figure it out eventually. We have the other members of Jacobs pack watching them closely. They will let us know if they have plans. Bella will try to recruit them, thinking Jacob abandoned them. I'm sorry this has all happened, my kings. I should not have- "

He was cut off by Aro. "Do not apologize for something out of your control. You take a chance when bringing in new vampires, so there was no way of knowing. Your family, however, may not be the only threat we have."

"My kings?"

"It would seem Bernardo, that other 'fortune teller', as he called himself, had given our ex-wives false hopes in thinking they would be with us forever. He told them we would never find our true mates, but I believe his visions have holes much like the young seers. We have one mate, not multiple, and I believe they are jealous. There was a storm a while back that only destroyed our mates' room, completely. We all must be on high alert and trust no one, not even old friends. We must make sure we bring in no more unwanted visitors."

Carlisle and Esme both nodded then bowed.

"We will keep in touch." Aro said, dismissing the two from the throne room.

As the two were leaving the three kings sat in silence for a moment, trying to comprehend all they have just learned.

"If it's a war they want..." Aro started.

"Then let the war begin." Marcus finished.

Caius just smirked. Those three vegetarian vampires stood no chance against the entire Volturi. A war was coming, and soon.

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