Ch. 22

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The only sound around, was crickets. They were dead, no heartbeats. Jacob felt his heart stop. He wasn't sorry for her, but for Charlie. That poor man didn't ask to be involved in this. He didn't even know what his daughter had become. Edward glanced at the werewolf, hearing him thinking about Charlie, at least he had the decency to feel guilty.

They knew it was inevitable, but no one expected it to be him. The vampires looked in a mixture of shock: relief, anger, to almost hysteria. Jacob, still in wolf form, looked at the severed head of his old friend as it rolled by him, her face frozen in shock or horror he couldn't tell. Probably both.

Marcus, who had given his mate to a stunned Carlisle, had ripped Bella Cullen's head clean off, then her arms, snarling at her fallen head. Caius and Aro were both proud yet terrified at the eldest brother. Caius was capable of rash decisions. Aro as well. Marcus was one for strategy and always being calm. His eyes were black as he stared at the broken-hearted mind reader, who looked to his fallen wife in despair.

"Your singer will burn in her pyre." He hissed, walking back over to grab on to his unconscious mate from a still stunned doctor.

Carlisle backed away immediately, fearing Marcus would become territorial of the injured woman.

"They all shall perish, brother." Aro said lowly, keeping a careful eye on his older brother.

Alice struggled against the two women, trying to fight her way out of there, when her face was roughly grabbed. It cracked from the sheer force of Jasper, who sneered at his ex-wife.

"Its pointless to struggle, darlin'." He hissed at her. "You plotted treason against the Volturi kings. You violated the most sacred vampire rule: never mess with a soulmate. Especially those of those who rule over all vampires."

"I'm sorry, dear," Alice snarked back, baring her teeth, "but these are monsters. They don't deserve to be kings!"

He bared his teeth, back, and growled in warning to the pixie vampire.

"We all are monsters, Alice. All of us," he roughly turned her head to face the unconscious human, "but her. Her and her child. Two innocent bystanders in your god damned plan to destroy the Volturi. You lied to Carlisle, the man who is like a father to all of us. Who took us in to help us! You lied to me. You knew who my mates were, but you strung me along like a puppet!" he shouted, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe in to calm down, he was off topic. "That doesn't matter right now. Right now, you must answer for you actions against your Queen."

"She is no Queen of mine! They are not my-" she never got to finish her sentence before Laci pulled the bottom part of her jaw off, silencing her.

"You will not speak ill of our Queen or my mate, wench!" Laci growled, her eyes glowing a bright yellow in anger.

Alice, who could not speak, was in imaginable pain. Venom leaving from her missing jaw.

"Let us bring them to the castle for judgment?" Caius asked with a bit oof sarcasm. "Or do we dispose of our problem here and be done? We must get our mate home."

Edward, who had been looking down at the body of his decapitated wife, started to rumble with laughter, making heads turn his way.

Caius narrowed his eyes at the mind reader. "What are you laughing at, boy?"

Edward's laughter turned into a dark chuckle as his blank eyes met the snow haired kings. "If I'm going to go... might as well go out with one last bang..." he grinned before lunging in Marcus' direction.

In an instant Emmett lunged for his former coven brother, tearing his head clean off, but he was a second too late. A scream ran through the air, one that made everyone's body freeze. The woman in Marcus' arms began to convulse, screaming her lungs out as it felt like she was burning from the inside out. If the kings had blood running through their veins still, it would've run cold. In a rage Aro and Caius decapitated their wives, who didn't even get a chance to scream.

Her screams broke everyone's hearts, there was nothing they could do.

"Build a fire." Aro commanded, in a dark tone. "Burn these four, but the mind reader comes to the castle." Caius and Marcus wanted to protest, but Aro held a had up. "He will reassemble and be torn apart over and over until seen fit. He will go through the same agony as our Queen, ten times over. He doesn't deserve to be released just yet."

Felix and Demetri looked to the convulsing woman in sadness, before getting to work.

"I'll accompany you to the castle, my kings." Carlisle said in a soft tone. "I'll watch over the Queen."

The three could only nod, before taking off with the doctor and his wife back to the castle. Emmett and Alec picked up the pieces to Edward and followed as well, to deposit him to the dungeon. Jasper helped the others throw the pieces of his ex-wife, unwanted sister-in-law, and former Queens into the fire. Alec, Jane, Felix, Demetri, and Lisa went back to the castle, to assist with Alexander, and be ear their queen. Jacob looked into the flames, blankly. She was gone, and he felt nothing.

Jasper, who was lost in thought, watched as the bodies began to turn to dust. Why did this even have to happen? Was it Edwards fault for falling for a human? Was it Carlisle's for letting it go as far as it did? Would it still have happened if Alice never found him?

"You're thinking too hard, mon amour."(my love) Laci said, placing her head on his shoulder in comfort.

"The only thing I feel guilty about... is what we're going to tell Charlie." He sighed, hearing Jacob whine. "He didn't know about this world. He doesn't deserve-"

"Calme-toi, chérie."(Calm yourself, darling.) She said, gently grasping his face in her gloved hands, making his blackened eyes turn to her green ones. "Whatever has happened, do not blame yourself. It was them, not you, and now a man has lost his child. It was the poor decision making of his daughter. You knew not of what would come of Bella becoming a vampire." She kissed him gently, sending calming waves his way. "We will think of something, but for now, let us head home, the kings need us." She turned to the wolf, who had yet to look from the flames. "Can you find your way home, young wolf?"

Jacob nodded, appreciating her talking to him like a normal person. He couldn't leave yet. Not that he would miss her, he just needed time to think. Laci and Jacob made it back to the castle. It had gone quiet. No one spoke a word. Then another blood curdling scream rang throughout the castle, those who were vampires closing their eyes in pain. Alexander, none the wiser, sleeping peacefully with his head in Lisa's lap, who had been petting his head absentmindedly. She winced each time Candace screamed, making the venom pool in her eyes.

All they could do now... was wait.

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