Ch. 19

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She was scared, terrified. She's been risking her life and for what? Her crazy mate she was stuck with for all eternity. How did it come to this? She was betraying the people who took her in, who kept her safe for many years. Why did she get stuck with someone like her? Her mother, who had been dead over 200 years, was up there laughing at her, she knew it.

"Do you understand what you need to do?" the woman on the other side of the phone asked, growing impatient with her lack of response.

"Yes, but I still don't understand why-"

"Do NOT question me." The female growled. "You are my mate and you will do as I say!"

"This is not how mates are supposed to treat each other." She thought solemnly. "I-I understand..."

"Good." She purred. "Now be a doll, and make sure it happens. Tonight. Candace Valentine must disappear. Take the bastard too. Let them both suffer together." And with that she hung up.

"May my mother give me strength..."

Laci was helping Candace fix her hair, both chatting adamantly about the Harry Potter series.

"I still can't believe you finished the entire series in one night!"

The French woman chuckled. "Vampire, my queen. Unlike you, I don't need sleep."

The red head pouted. They continued to chat when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Candace called out softly.

"The kings request your presence."

Laci rolled her eyes. "My orders are to stay with the queen, Corrin. If the kings really did request my presence, they would send Demetri or even Alec."

Corrin sighed. "I'm just delivering the message. Master Caius is not in the best of moods at the moment. You might not want to keep him waiting."

Laci glared at the woman in front of her. "Again, my orders are clear. I am to stay with our queen. If there is any problem, I'm sure they'll sent Demetri or Alec after me."

"Why are you so stubborn, Laci?" Corrin thought bitterly. "I'm sorry then, old friend."

"For wh-" Before Laci was able to finish her sentence, she was knocked out cold.

Candace jumped when she heard a thump.

"Laci? Laci?!" she began to panic.

Before she could get out of her chair to feel for the other woman, she blacked out hearing a soft, "I'm so sorry."

Corrin caught the woman, knowing there was no turning back. She quickly ran outside the outskirts of Volterra, the dark clouds overhead both a blessing and a curse. The vampire gently placed the unconscious woman in the back, besides her son, who was taking a nap, oblivious to what was going on around him. Corrin took one last look at Volterra, her home, then got into the van. Guilt. Anger. Terror. All the emotions were swimming through her head as she watched the castle grow smaller and smaller in the rear-view mirrors.

"You did good, my love. Just know you're protecting the rest of us. You'll see."

Corrin looked at the pixie beside her with a blank expression, not uttering a word, before looking back out the window. How could she be fated to someone like her? Why have the gods cursed her so?

"This is for killing mother and father." She thought bitterly. "And my younger siblings. The world is punishing me for my sins." There was no turning back now.

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