Ch. 13

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November came and went, then December and it was already the new year. Aro, Marcus and Caius were still growing concerned with Carlisle's letters.

'My Kings,

Young Bella and Edward have met your request. She is a newborn with the power of a shield. It gets more powerful as the days go on. They've managed to conceive a child as well. A human and vampire hybrid. I've looked into all the history and found a nomad coven. His name is Nahuel. He is over 150 years and can survive on either blood or human food. His heart beats much like my granddaughters. She has the power to show others what she has seen.

This was not the reason I have written you. I fear my children are plotting against the Volturi, not all but specifically Alice, Edward and Bella. Alice has told my family you have found your mate and once she is turned, she will destroy us all. At first, I feared the worst, but then she had another vision. Alice has not been known to have visions one after another. My other children Emmett, Jasper and Rosaline are on high alert as of now. My wife and I play ignorant to the others plan.

We need your help, my friends. In order to save my family, I must let some go. I have chosen to tell you in secret. Edward may be able to read minds but Rosaline has discovered her power, the power to put a block on people's minds. I will tell you they have asked the neighboring Quileute pack to help, Alice unable to see them in her visons. If worse comes to worse, we will all flee to separate parts of the world. I cannot believe my children would be capable as to plan treason.'

They couldn't read the rest of his letter as they were interrupted by Sexton and Heidi.

"My kings, there is a nomad here to speak with-"

"Now, now," a deep voice interrupted, "just a nomad? I thought I was more than that."

Caius sneered at the man as Aro looked at him in displeasure.

"Bernardo... what a pleasant surprise. To what do we owe this... pleasure?"

He chuckled. "Do I need a reason to visit old friends?"

"You only visit if you require something." Caius retorted.

Bernardo's red eyes glared at the blonde vampire. "After all this time you think so low of me?"

"You have not proven yourself otherwise." Marcus spoke, looking up from Carlisle's troubling letter.

"Ora, ora, fratelli. Non c'è bisogno di litigare." (Now, now, brothers. No need to quarrel.) Aro tried to calm the tension, Jane and Alec on high alert. "Bernardo, why have you come? Your last visit had turned Athenadora and Sculpia more... loving then they had been the last couple decades."

The vampire put his hands up in surrender. "I merely told them their future they are destined to have."

"Future? They have no future here with the Volturi. They are no longer our Queen's." Caius didn't much care for this vampire, he never has.

Said vampire raised an eyebrow. "No? Hmm, that's not right. My fortunes have always been accurate."

"Fortunes?" Aro questioned.

"Well the power of sight, you know this. Much like that pixie woman from the Cullen coven. I call them fortunes for they bring fortune to those I've seen."

"And what have you told our ex-wives that would make them believe they had a future here?"

"I told them the truth, of course." he smirked. "In their fortunes you never found your mates. The Volturi kings are to forever roam the earth, alone, and miserable."

The kings growled at the nomad, Jane and Alec ready to fight at the slightest movement.

"How dare you come into our home and spew nonsense!" the blonde king roared.

"Nonsense? It is true, my kings!" He mocked. "You never find your mates! None were ever seen!"

"Mates?" Marcus chuckled darkly. "Your visions seem to have loopholes, Bernardo."

"What do you mean?"

Aro approached the other, who appeared to want to flee. "He means, we have found our mate. Mate, as in one to the three of us."

Bernardo stiffened. "I-Impossible! It is unheard of to have one mate to multiple vampires!"

"It is possible!" Aro laughed, his laugh sending chills down the spines of the guard and the nomad. "You should have looked more into those visions of yours. You have put false hope into the lives of women who knew they'd have nothing once our mates were found." his eyes darkened. "If any harm comes to our mate, whether it be by the hands of our two dear ex-wives," he glanced at his two soul brothers, "or at the hands of a vengeful coven, you will be the first to perish." he waved his hand. "Now get out of my sight."

"You cannot be serious about letting this piece of filth live! He has insulted the Volturi, our mate-"

"Peace, Caius. He will live to see another day," he grinned wickedly, "in pieces under the castle of course." he nodded his head towards the guard, who grabbed the nomad by the arms. Alec went to paralyze him, but Aro shook his head. "He will feel every bit of dismembering. He will be in constant agony until we can fully say our mate is fully safe."

Bernardo never got to utter a word. Felix had removed his head, Demetri disposing of his arms and then his legs.

"Do you find it odd that we received a letter from Carlisle and then this... filth shows up?" Caius asked.

"I feel, brothers, that this is only the beginning."

(A/N: I have been finally able to update! I know its not that great, but I haven't written anything in a while. I hope now to update more! -Trixter15)

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