Ch. 20

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Candace felt like she got punched in the head. She groaned from her spot on the ground.

"Ground?" she thought to herself. "Did I fall-"

"Mommy!" a little voice, it sounded like it was underwater, yelled out.


"MOMMY!" his voice became louder.

"Alex!" she shot up and began to feel around for her little boy.

"Mommy, you finally woke up!" Alexander cried, flinging himself into his mother's arms.

She gripped him tight. "A-Alex... where are we?"

"I don't know mommy. It looks like we're in a cave! We can't get out though, that mean man put a huge rock in front of it!"

"What man sweetie?"

Outside Alice was speaking to her family, having heard the human wake.

"Couldn't we just kill her?" Bella asked in a bored tone. "Wouldn't that make this process go quicker."

"She's an innocent woman... he's just a little baby..." Corrin thought, horrified. "What have I done?"

"We need to make Aro, Marcus and Caius suffer a little longer." The pixie haired woman said. "They've done nothing but torment the vampire world, its our turn to enjoy it."

"Then why take the kid?" Edward asked, he didn't know he was part of her plan.

Alice turned to him, expression blank. "I wouldn't hurt a child, Edward. No, we're going to separate the two, hide the boy. And once he's older we bring him back to Volterra, in front of the kings if they have not perished by then and kill him then."

"She's deranged!"

"And who's going to take him? We're all needed here."

"Ve are." Came a voice from behind them.

The group turned around, seeing the Romanian vampires, Stefan and Vladimir.

The mind reader turned to his coven sister. "You called the Romanians."

Alice grinned, evilly. "Who better than the clan that hates them the most?"

"So, what, you're just going to rip the child from his mother's arms?"

"No, silly. We're waiting until he falls asleep. Corrin?"

The former guard gulped, before doing as she was told. The two Romanians jumped down from the cliff side.

"You did not say you had ze Volturi's mate, Alice Cullen." Stefan said, looking as bored as ever.

"I said she was important to them, that should've explained a lot."

Corrin came up to them, the child sleeping in her arms. She reluctantly handed the young boy over to the white-haired man, who held no emotion on his face.

"Take him far away, Stefan. You'll hear back from me in about 10 years."

The two looked to each other before nodding, speeding off with the boy in their arms.

Back in Volterra, the kings were not in a great state: both mentally and physically. They felt drained. Marcus watching as the bond is stretching, clenching his chest. It was still gold, that's what reassured him, but he could feel his mate's emotions. She was terrified, angry. He felt hopeless and he knew his brothers felt the same. Everyone was on high alert, searching every town near Volterra, desperately trying to find their queen and young prince.

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