Chapter 6?? Idk!

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Chloe's POV (again!)

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and mom downstairs making breakfast. I got up and headed to my giant closet. It's really big. Like about the size of a poor kids bedroom. Ew poor kids. They're never well dressed. Unlike me. I grabbed a black, flowy dress that stop at my knees. They say black is slimming afterall. Then I grabbed a big gold belt and some black strappy heels that made me like 6 inches taller. Just as I headed for my bathroom my phone went off. I looked at it. I had a text from Kendall. Argh Kendall. That competition cheating snitch. I read the message, muttering it aloud. "Hey I went to where you wanted to meet but you weren't there. Um so yeah. Bye" I typed back. "Oh sorry I was busy. I kinda forgot also. But never mind that. Just same spot same time today. Toddles xxx." I sent the message and chucked my phone onto my bed. I went into the bathroom and turned on the tap. As the water heated up I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked disgusting. Mascara dried down my cheeks. Hair in a knotty, messy form of a bun. Stomach ever so slightly bigger than usual. I pulled off my clothes and hopped under the steaming water. I had a really long, refreshing shower. I eventually turned off the water and got out. I dried myself and got dressed. I fastened the belt and straightened my dress. I grabbed my hair brush and yanked at my knots until they all came out. I curled my hair and stuck a black and gold, glitzy headband on. I walked back into my room and looked at my selection of jewelry. I wisely chose some gold hoops and a simple gold chain with a locket on it that Josh had got me. After putting it on I twirled the heart in my fingers. Josh. I wondered if he would still wanna be with me. I wonder if he will support me or leave me. I guess I'll find out today. I slipped on my heels and headed downstairs. I grabbed a granola bar and munched on it while I made a cup of coffee. Once I finished eating I headed back upstairs. I rubbed off my old makeup and applied some more. Once I was satisfied I looked perfect I went and grabbed my stuff. I walked down the hall to mom and dads room. Mom was reading a magazine, probably waiting for Clara to be ready. I planted a kiss on her head and walked back out. Dad would of already left for work. As I was walking down the stairs Clara came sprinting past me. She was yelling something about it being school picture day and how she didn't look good enough. I sighed and grabbed her hand. I lead her up to my room. I sat her down in my plush chair in front of my big light up mirror. I brushed out her hair and curled it. I stuck a purple bow in her hair. I then sprayed it so it would stay nice. I walked into her room and grabbed her pretty purple dress I bought for her once. I told her to put it on. She did. And she looked great. I handed her some black flats with little gold bows on them. She slipped them on eagerly. I put some cute lip gloss on her. She stood up and admired herself in my big mirror. Clara giggled and twirled around. "THANK YOU CHLOE!" I smiled, "Welcome Clara." she ran down the hall to show mom. I took the opportunity to slip out. I shut the door behind me and headed towards my car.

Kendall's POV

It's almost time for me to go see Chloe. Just 5 more minutes. Just 5 more minutes for that bell to ring. I stared at the clock. I was kinda nervous about what she could say but at the same time I was interested to what she had to say. I started doodling on my science book. I drew my name in a love heart with Ryan Seaford's name on it. He's like so hot but he would never like an girl like me. I mean he's in the popular crowd, I'm not. I sighed. Then the bell went. I packed up my stuff and quickly left. I texted Nia telling her I'd be a bit later than usual. Normally we always meet up and Science is the only class we don't have together. I saw Chloe up ahead. I walked towards her. "Kendall! You're here!" I nodded. " So what did you want Chloe?" She twirled a piece of her perfect blonde hair in her fingers. "Well Kendall. We had our differences in the past. But that was years ago and I wanna move on. Look your pretty, have a not to bad sense of fashion and with a bit of help you could be quite popular." I was shocked, the most popular girl in school was complimenting me, well sorta. "So I have a proposal. If you hang out with us your life will become a dream." I bit my lip. "What about Nia?" She looked at me as if I was an idiot. "She's not invited. Choose us or her." My mind raced. I could do both. I linked arms with Chloe and we walked back in to find Maddie and Paige.

Nia's POV

Kendall didn't come see me at recess. I shrugged it off. She must have got caught up with something. The rest of the day went by eventless. I went to wait at the gate for Kendall. She had disappeared after class without saying a word. My phone buzzed. Kendall got another ride home and didn't need me to wait. I walked to my car, kinda feeling lonely. Oh well, I'll see K tomorrow.

Chloe's POV

I was walking to my car with Maddie and Paige. Kendall was going to meet us there. We were taking her shopping. I heard someone yell my name. I turned around. Josh. I chucked Paige the keys and ran towards him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a tree. "Josh look I understand if you don't want to support me and this baby. I mean you shouldn't have to! I-" He cut me off. "Chloe this baby is now my responsibility. I will stay here for you all the way." He squeezed my hand. "But Josh! Your hockey! You can't give up your future for this!" I started to cry. "Yes I can! This baby is my future. Your my future." He wrapped me in a hug. "Look Chloe. I can't let you do this alone." I cried into his shirt. "Hey Josh. Wanna come play a round of pool tonight with the guys?" I looked towards the voice. It was Jake, Maddie's boyfriend. Josh nodded. "Sure mate!" I pecked Josh on the lips and headed to the car. Paige was in the passenger seat and Maddie and Kendall were in the back. I hopped in and Paige gave me the keys. "Let's shop girls!" Maddie and Paige giggled and Kendall joined in. On the way to the mall we questioned Kendall on anything that matters to our group. She seemed ok. I honestly just want another girl in our group so I have another supportive friend through my pregnancy. I parked outside the mall. We got out and headed through the door, giggling and twirling our hair. We went up to the top floor where I knew there was this cute little boutique that had adorable handbags. Kendall rushed in, admiring all the beautiful things. Paige raised her eyebrow at me and Maddie quietly giggled. I walked up to Kendall who was looking at a cute little black bag. I sighed and grabbed it off the shelf. As I walked to the counter I picked up some more bags. I handed them to the lady and got out my wallet. I swiped my card and grabbed the bags. Kendall's mouth hung open but I simply rolled my eyes and handed her her new bags. "Chloe! You didn't have to do that!!!! Like omg no I can't take these!!!" I turned around. "Kendall. Shut up and calm down or your out." She nodded and fell back behind Maddie. We shopped for hours until Kendall had a brand new wardrobe. I was satisfied. We went and got some smoothies and headed for the car. We heaved the clothes into the back and drove off. Retransform her fashion sense. Check. Next was change her look. For that we need to go to my place. "Chloe, what now?" Paige asked. "My place. Makeover time." Paige smiled, knowing what I was capable when it came to makeup. "Ooh tonight just got interesting." I glanced over at Maddie who was looking at her phone. "Ryan's throwing a party tonight! We have to go!" I smiled at Kendall. "K, you will get to make your move on Ryan!" She blushed. "How do you know about that?" I pulled my sunnies up onto my head. ''Oh honey I know more than you would have ever thought possible."

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