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Ch5 Mrs. Lovett's POV

I wake to Sweeney snoring softly next to me and I smile to myself. Despite hoe pale and cold he looks has actually quite warm I draw small patters on his bare chest, tracing the outline of his mussels with my fingertips god I could stay like this for ever. Eventfully I decide to get up and make breakfast. I carefully get out of the bed and walk to the kitchen and start to make some eggs and ham thinking about last night and before when he kissed me. It was everything I expected and wished for, not like the last time.

17years ago

It was a hot summer evening around five and I here shouting and banging from up stares. The barker family had been living above me foot about a year and a half ever since I meet him I always loved ben but since he was married I stayed away from him he never seemed to pay me much attaching anyway and of course there was albert but he wasn't important to me like Ben was.

"ben can we at least talk about this" I here Lucy call after him and I hear a door slime and ben stomping down the stars. I wonder what's gotten into them I never horde them fight I think to myself but go back to making tea.

"were not ready for a Chile what is she thinking" ben whispers right as he walks past my open door. A child well that will do, they don't have the space or money for a child anyone can see that. She not to bright that Lucy but oh well none of me bemuse.

12 o'clock

I'm siting in my shop cleaning albert went to bed hours ago I start mixing the filling for my pies I seem to always work better at night I can think better too, no distractions just me and my kitchen. My mom taught me too cook when I was really young and I've always had a talent for it, but they both died from a plague year ago right after I married Albert. I let out a sigh years ago I never would have imaged my life would be like this.

"Mr. Barker you gave me a right fright you did" I say when my door busts open and an obviously drunk Benjamin stumbles in even if he is off his face has still so handsome.

"sorry I was. I was wondering if I could stay done here" he asks shyly poor thing problem doesn't want to go home yet.

"of course love sit down" I saw ushering him to a booth I bring him a pie and set it in front of him

"thank you" he slurs a little taking a bit out of the pie.

"I take it you hurt my and Lucy before" he says he so drunk right now he problem won't even remember this conversation tomorrow.

"I did "I say lightly making it clear that he can talk to me about it if he wants to he nods a little finishing his pie

"she wants kids... and she just doesn't understand that we don't have the money to provide for a child" he says begging me with has big brown eyes to understand, and of course I do.

"of course love there quite an expense" I say nodding at him and he runs a hand through his normally net hair. I personally like it a little messy like it is right now. I stand up and grab his plate to put in the sink when I turn back around he's standing at the counter looking at.

"thank you Mrs. Lovett" he says walking a little closer to me as he rests his hand on the counter

"call me Nellie" I saw and he smiles I can't help but blush a little at the sudden sign of attached

"well thank you.... Nellie" he says and the way he says my name sends shiver down my spine. He turned to leave but trips a little and I hold him to study him. Were so Cole I think and I see him pose for a moment and he looks down at me for a minute then he inches a little closer till are lips meet. Of course this isn't how I imaged are first kiss would happen then I'am suddenly siting on his lap in one of the booths as his hands run up and down my thy.

" Lucy" he mines out quietly which makes me stop, I am definitely not lucy I stop kissing him and stand up off the booth with tears in my eyes. Of couse he wants me to be lucy. I almost wish I was.he looks a me for a moment trying to remember wear he is

" Elanore" I here Albet call I take one last look at Benjamin and wipe my eyes to ge see what albert wants. When I come back Ben is no wear to be found he must have finally went home.


The day after that I saw Benjamin around lunce time as he was leaven to go to the market he waved and said hello not remembering the night before at all. Which I gess is a good thin it was all rather quite embarrassing and all.

"morning" Sweeney says walking into the kitchen. And I smile at his deshevled hair.

"have a seat love breakfast will be ready soon "I say he nods and sits down to eat surprisingly Toby isn't up yet but the lad works so hard he deserves to sleep in a little. The day goes on and me and Sweeney go about running our shops after the lunch rush I go down to the bake house to finish off some pies. I open the heavy door and I stop for a minute I haven't ben down here since Sweeney almost killed me. I shudder at the memory but I walk down the segment steps despite my fear. I make pies out of the jugs meat and bring them up for the dinner rush. Bastard deserved everything he got that's for Shure.

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