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Ch34 Sweeney's P.O.V

Anthony and Johanna leave two days later so anthony could get back to work.oh how i wish they could stay it as if if just gotten to know my daughter and now she's leaving. I have to let her go there's too many memories here in london.

"We'll be back soon dad" johanna says hugging me tight i kiss the top of her golden head. She is just like her mother so sweet and genital.

"I'll hold you to that pet" i say letting go she walks over and hugs Mrs Lovett and i smile i turn to anthony to shake her hand.

"Take care of her" i say sternly he nods his head

"I will sir" he replied he grabs the things and sets them on the carriage.

"Johanna my love we must be off" he says coming back in she gives me one last hug and they leave.

"Mr T" nellie says ifter they left i was staring out the window and only then have i realized that i haven't moved.

"Yes pet" i say tearing my eyes away from the window. I miss the life i use to have the naive version of myself without a care in the world.

"Are you alright" she asks stepping closer to me. Putting a hand on my shoulder. What am i even doing here, I shouldn't be with anyone but lucy. I shake my head and start backing away from Mrs Lovett.

"Sweeny" she says and i built out the door and started running. I don't know wear but i just have to get out. Lucy, lucy, lucy why is she all i can think about. I have to move on but just seeing johanna makes me think of the life i could have had. I walk until i come to a tavern opening the door the strong scent of alcohol hits me.

"What can i get for you" asks a short waitress with long brown hair.

"Gin" i say bluntly she nods and comes back quickly with the drink i drink it down feeling the burn of it run down my throat. I keep drinking until the place closes i wonder around the dark streets of london not wanting to go back home.

"There was a barber and his wife and she was beautiful" i belt out into the empty streets sunday i feel light headed and realise with the alcohol and not eating that much today it probably wasn't the best idea. I find a small inn and pay for a room. It early morning now as i lay my head down on the pillow i can't help wondering what my life would be like with lucy.

I wake up with i start sitting up in my bed i look out the window and see its dark out. How can it be dark it was early morning when i cam her. Only then do i realize i slept the day away. I sigh and stand up looking out the small window. God i hate london. There are too many memories to many ghosts. A blind rage takes over me as i remember what happened a day ago. She lied to me Mrs. Lovett lied. I thought the small chair across the room. She only did it for you . says a small voice in my head. She just wanted me all to herself. But she loves you. The voice says again. I grab a bottle of some type of alcohol and start to drink. She lied to me. I storme out the room and toward the pie shop.

I wake up the next morning on the kitchen floor of the pie shop. Im so confused i don't even remember how i got here. I sit up and my head starts pounding. God how much did i drink. I look down at my hands and see that there covered in red. Whose blood is it. I check myself for wounds but find nothing serious. I look around and I see a foot and the end of a dress lying behind a counter.

" nellie" i stutter as i walk forward on my hand and knees I see her lying on the ground surrounded by a pool of blood. Is she dead.   

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