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Ch15 Mrs. Lovett's POV

"I was thinking maybe we could go on a picnic" I say a little while later to Sweeney and toby.

"that would be fun" Toby says excitedly then he hives a hesitant look words Sweeney.

"Mr. T" I say waiting for his response

"it's a good idea pet" he says finally and I smile at him we start to back a basket full of sandwiches and fruit then we catch a carriage and head off to a park. Once there we eat then toby goes on to play with the other kids leaving me alone with Mr. Todd.

"nice day out isn't it love" I say watching Toby playing tag with his new friend.

"yes it is" he says putting his arm around me. I blush a little I've always dreamed of this. Being held by Sweeney actually having him pay attention to me and not just ignoring everything I say.

"so when we get home do you want me to set up the room in the back" I ask I have a spare room in the back of the shop that I never seem to use but I would much prefer he stay in my room.

"up to you. I could sleep in the back room or in yours" he says kissing my neck which sends a shiver down my spine something about him I just can't resist.

"well seeing as how the back room isn't clean it would only make since" I say trying to catch my breath as he kisses my neck.

"as long as that's what you want" Sweeney say stopping and looking me dead in the eye. He wants to be Shure that has not pressuring me at all.

"in Shure love" I say resting my head on his shoulder I look back to find toby still playing with his friend. I can't help thinking what it be like if me and Sweeney had a child. I look up at the sky and see dark clouds coming are way. That's London for you always dark and raining.

"come on Toby time to go" I call and Toby says good bye to his friends and runs over to me and Mr. Todd.

"looks like rain we better hurry" just as Sweeney says this it starts to poor we run until we get to a street wear we catch a carriage that takes us back to fleet street. Once back home I evidently fell a darkness come over me something about being in this place.

"are you alright" Sweeney says once me and him are alone in the parlor while Toby plays in his room.

"I'm fine dear" I say picking up a book and I start to read when a pail hand takes the book from me.

"Talk to me Nell" Sweeney say sitting next to me. I look away from him but he just sits there silently waiting for me to talk.

"I'm afraid to open the shop" I blurt out good I hate science some times. That's problem why I talk so much.

"go on" he says putting an arm around me for support.

"I keep thinking the same thing is going to happen. And every time I here that door open" I say starting to cry.

"I'm so sorry" he says holding me tight. It seems in this short amount of time he has changed so much. Hess much more kind and caring I suspect he still has a bad temper though.

"Sweeney what if someone finds out about what's ben going on here" I say id do hand have done anything for the man I love but I do worry.

"if it ever comes to it pet ill handle it" he says giving me a reassuring smile

"I know you will" I reply he really is rather devilish his black hair with a streak of silver in it.

"as for running the shop don't worry about it you'll open when you're ready I make ensure for all of us right know anyway" he says and I smile looking up at him. We sit there a while longer reading until I get up and start dinner Sweeney grows up to his shop for a while I cook right before dinner is done the door opens making me drop a glass.

"shit" I say and I look up to see a man a few years younger than me standing there

"I'm sorry mam" he says a little shocked at me outburst. He has blond hair and blue eyes he doesn't look like has from around her. I wonder if Sweeney hard me brake the glass I hope he comes down soon I don't want to be left alone with this man.

"its all right you gave me a fright is all" I saw grabbing the broom and dust pan to clean up the mess I made.

"sorry I was wondering if there was a place to stay for the night around here. I'm traveling for business" he says looking around the shop a bit still standing by the door.

"Nell are you alright pet a hard a loud nose" Sweeney says barging into the shop. I smile felling much better now that has here.

"I'm fine love" I say and Sweeney comes and strands by me putting an arm around me waist.

"it my fault I scared her when I walked in. I was just asking the lady if there was any wear around here to spend the night" the man says nodding at Sweeney.

"I see well were obviously not an in but I do believe there is a place down a few blocks" Sweeney says stepping in front of me. The young man is obviously a little scared of him. I can see why he can be quite intimidating.

"down the block you. Alright thank you very much" he says

"no problem" Sweeney says mumbling a bit

"and sorry about scaring you miss" he says smiling at me.

"not at all dear" I say and he leaves closing the door behind him.


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