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( shout out to anglehairedpasta marvel4life_9567 and -Oreo - power for all the comments thank you so much. Xoxoo

_ Bella)

Ch 36 Sweeneys POV

"Oh god nellie please" i say holding her mingling lifeless body in my arms. Why do I hurt everyone i care about. I don't know what came over me it's like i wasn't myself. She's breathing but only barely.

"Nellie oh god what have i done" i cry out i know she needs a doctor. I scoop her up and carry her to the couch. I wrap her wounds as best i could and I run to get the doctor. I swear i have never moved this fast in my life as i sprint down gloomy fleet street to doctor Gregory's office. I remember him from before he delivered Johanna so i know i can trust him. I just hope he doesn't recognise me from before.

"Excuse me sir i need help its my neighbor she's hurt badly i think shes dieing" i say bursting into the office. The doctor looks at me for a moment before nodding his head he grabs a kit and follows me out the door. I tell him who we are and some basic information.We run all the way home i open the door and lead him to the couch where Mrs. Lovett is still unconscious.

"How old is she" the doctor asks taking stuff out of his bag he puts on gloves and starts to look at nellie listen to her breathing.

"Mid thirties" reply relising i don't know her exact age which i find odd he nods and starts looking at her.

"Sir i need you to step out" he says calmly taking the blanket off of nellie and putting it under her head.

"No i have to stay here with her" i yell and the doctor glares at me and stands up.yell coming closer and holding her hand

"Her head's still bleeding and i need to stop it. I might have to operate and i can't have you in her" he says sternly i sigh and nod leaving the room. I sit in the kitchen passing back and forth this is all my fault i did this to her. I grab the bottle of gin and drink it down. What if she dies what about toby i don't care much for the lad but nellie does he needs her. Speaking of the boy i wonder where he is. Oh god nellie what have i done. I thought the bottle at the wall and it shatters into bits.

"Mr Todd" toby says looking a bit scared as he walks in the shop. I shake my head before putting them in my hands.

"Wears... wears mum" he asks his voice shaking a little i might have just killed the only person who ever cared for this boy.

hurt right now the doctor is with her" i mumbled not wanting to explain everything that happened. I already feel enuf guilt.

"What did you do to her. You monster Ill kill you what did you do" he yells his little hands beating on my chest a small tear runs down my cheek.

"I know i'm a monster i'm sorry the doctors with her now" i saw as he continues to hit me i look and see tears running down his little face.

"Sir" the doctor says coming out of the parlor i look up at him with pleading eyes he motions for me to come over to him i walk over i look at him.

"How is she is she ok" i ask concern filing my voice. I really am a monster this is all my fault.

"She should be ok iv got her stabilized but i'm not sure how she'll be when she wakes up. Brain damage can affect people many ways" he says and i let out a shaky breath at least she's alive.

"Mr Todd there is something else i have to mention" he says carefully and i look up at him with questioning eves. What now.

"What is it" i ask waiting for a response. When there's a long pause.

" Mrs Lovett is with child" he says and my mouth hangs open. Child. my child i can't speak so i just nod and the doctor leaves saying he'll be back tomorrow. A child.

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