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Ch20 Sweeney's POV

After last night I had the best sleep I've had in over sixteen years once Johanna was born we didn't get that much sleep because of her crying and me and Lucy took turns getting up. And I never really slept in prison. The moment you slept was the moment you got killed and or beat. I still have scars on my body from the beatings. I wake up felling rested and satisfied. I roll over to find the bed empty Nellie must have got up earlier. I get up and head to the bathroom to wash up a little after getting up I walk into the kitchen.

"morning" Nellie says when I walk in the room. Her hair is still a little messy she mused have rushed to get ready this morning.

"morning" I reply I can't help but smile thinking about last night. I sit next to her and I can't help but see Toby out of the corner of my eye looking at the two of us.

"mum can to go play outside for a little while before we open" the boy asks Nellie turns her head braking eye contact with me.

"go ahead love" she acers and he nods running out of the shop. Not being able to wait any longer I lean down and kiss Nellie. I've always been attracted to her. Everything about her really her looks her wit, loyalty all of it.

"your opening the shop" I ask a little surprised after we brake are embrace. Her face is a little flushed so she just nods until she catches her breath.

"knowing you're here makes me feel safer" she says after a moment and I fell my feathers soften. She's always believed in me trusted me even when I've shown her otherwise.

"I am here Nell" I say holding her close. I will never let anything harm her ever ageing. I eat a quick meal and head up to my shop. I had a few customers not too many though. I also manage not to kill any of them. Being with Nellie makes me a better person. I walk out of my shop every once in a while to check on her and we smile at each other. God I wish this day was over with so I could be with her ageing I can tell she's thinking the same thing the way she looks at me with those sparkling eyes. After a while the customers stop coming and its almost lunch time so I decide to slip out before Mrs. Lovett notices.

"ah Mr. Todd perfect timing we have your or door" says the same man that was there the last time I was her. He then walks in to a back room and comes out with a square shaped velvet box. He opens it and shoes me the neckless I designed for Nellie.

"it perfect" I say I can't help but smile I rely hope she likes it. I pay and thank the man and head home.

"Sweeney you scared me" Nellie screams hitting me lightly on the chest when I come into the shop.

"sorry pet" I say pulling her close and kissing her.

"what's that you've got there" she's says gesturing to the package behind my back.

"close your eyes" I say she does as I ask and I slip the neckless around her neck.

"alright opened" I say and she opens her eyes and gasps she doesn't say anything for a moment and I get a little nervous that she hates it.

"oh Sweeney" she says then kisses me long and hard.

"what is it pet" I ask noticing she crying a little bit. I never was any good at reading women.

"it's the first time anyone's ever done something so special for me" she says softly. I find it odd considering she was married before and Albert seemed like a nice enough guy maybe a little rude.

"I'm glad you like it" I say kissing her fiery red hair. Next thing I know I'm running my hands along her back and she's wrapping her legs around me. I pick her up and set her softly on the couch in the parlor. I then start to undo her dress. God she's so beautiful.

"mum" I hear the lad call and I frees in my spot I know Nellie doesn't want Toby to know about us and this serenely isn't the way for him to find out.

"just a minute dear" she says siting up she rushes to replace her dress and fix her hair I can't help but smile at how her face is a little flushed from the heat of the moment. I sit down after she leaves and take a deep breath. It feels good to be gating back to normal. Well almost normal.

"not to night lad" I here Nellie say as I walk into the kitchen I get a glass of water and take a sip.

"could I spend the night at Georges" Toby asks he is a good boy I don't think he likes me much but that's something we can work on.

"don't see why not be back by the lunch rush tomorrow" she says smiling at him

"I will thank you mum" he says hugging her. I smile a little Nellie will be such a good mom. Or well she is to Toby but if she were to have kids of her own.

"that leaves us all alone tonight" I say after the boy leaves wrapping my arms around here. I wonder why her and Albert never had kids.

"I suppose it does" she says playing with my shirt I kiss her then pick her up and caring her to the bed room closing the door behind up. Alone at last.

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