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Ch16 Sweeney's POV

"you alright Nellie" I say after the man leaves. I look over at her and she has her hand her chest and takes a deep breath.

"I'm fine scared the shit out of my he did" he says smiling a little. I move a little closer and put my arm around her. I was a little worried when I heard the noise and I came running to see that men standing there I almost felt a little. jellies I think. I now it was silly but my first thought reminded of when she brought that stranger home.

"is dinner ready mum" Toby says coming in from playing outside his hair is all messed up and has a little sweaty.

"almost dear go gets cleaned up and it should be done" she says he nods and runs off. After we eat toby plays in his room then goes to bed a while after leaving me and Nellie alone. I can't help noticing how pretty Nellie looks today, I try not to but my eyes travel to her chest every once in a while. I haven't felt a women's touch in over fifteen years I can't help but think about Nellie like that. I wound never be so bold as to make a move on her like that not with everything that's happened. I was surprised when mentioned me staying down here with her. But I know she doesn't like being alone.

"Mr. T are you listen to me" Nellie says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"sorry what were you saying pet" I say looking at her.

"I'm off to bed" she says ageing and I set my book down and stand up.

"me too I'm rather tired" I say and we walk to her room one in side she closes the door. Then grabs her night close. And turns towards me.

"I'll just change in the bath be back in a tick" she says walking over to the bathroom I take off my shirt and shoes and pants leaving me only in me under wear and clime in the bed. It is quite comfy with its warm wool covers I lie back and close my eyes when I hear the door to the bath opens i look up and see Mrs. Lovett in a silk pink night gown that goes down past her knees and her hair down. She looks absolute stunning.

"are you asleep already" she says laughing a little when she comes out I sit up and smile at her.

"not at all" I say she smile again and moves a little closer to me she leans in and kisses me her soft red lips test like sweet honey. Not meaning to my hands start rooming her body.

"Nellie" I say stopping and looking at her even with her makeup off her eyes are still dark and seductive.

"what is it love" she says a little confused she's still sitting in my lap it takes every ounce of self-restraint not to through her on the bed but I want it to be her vision. Whit everything she's ben through.

"when I said id sleep in your room It didn't mean we had to. to you know" I saw a little awkwardly I'm not really Shure how to go about all of this its ben so long.

"oh Mr. T you have no idea how long I've wanted a moment like this" she says softly her dark brown eyes sparkling. I kiss her again her hands running through my hair the soft silk of her night dress rubbing agents my legs I turn and lay her down on the bed. Fifteen years close to sixteen almost considering Johanna was so young Lucy was still recovering from having her and I wasn't going to worry about sex when she had just giving me the greatest joy of my life. Although me and lucks relationship wasn't grate I did love and respect her.

"I love you Nellie" I say I haven't said thoughts words to her yet but iv knows for a while that's how I fell about her.

"I love you to Sweeney" she says kissing me. I think of Lucy for a minute and how much I miss her but she would want me to be happy. Wouldn't she. I take of nellies dress and through it on the floor. She's so beautiful. It's almost as if we were waiting for each other all this time. There a seiten heated I never felt with Lucy that I fell with Nellie. Although wave always had a connection I just never wanted to admit it. After were both out of breath we fall asleep in each others arms and for once I actually get a full night's sleep.

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