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Ch10 Mrs. Lovett's POV

"here you are" says the driver me and Hennery get out and he pays the man and we walk over to the shop.

"this wear you live" he asks. I nod and he smiles lifting my chin up to look at he kisses me backing me up into the door. Once I open it I kiss him loving the way his hand moves around my body. I stop for a minute when I hear a cough

"Mr. T what. what are you doing here" I say trying not to slur my words.

"who's this" Hennery asks coming up behind me. for some reason I don't fell as scared of Sweeney as I was.

"he rents the room upstairs" I say crossing my arms in front of my chest looking at Sweeney waiting for an acer.

"I didn't know where you went" Sweeney says standing up and walking a little closer to us.

"well I don't have to acer to you so if you will excuse us" I say walking over to the door holding it open.

"now Nell..." Sweeney starts to say

"I think the lady wants you to leave" hennery says and I can see Sweeney's expressing harden and his eyes darken.

"well the lady is also drunk off her face and I don't think a seemingly kind stranger is fit to tend to her" Mr. says getting closer to Hennery. I can see the shine of the razors in his holster I can only hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

"Sweeney" I say in a warning tone I'm really not in the mood for this and my head is starting to pound.

"no Nellie I will not let you bring some stranger to your bed just to get back at me" Sweeney says turning to me

"I'm not getting back at you, I am having an adult relationship with a man I meet and it is none of your concern what I do because you don't give a dam about me anyway" I yell losing my temper a little

"it is my concern and you know I care" he shots back at me I slam the door closed and walk right up to him

"well if caring is treating me like shit then being kind then I think you need to look up the definition" I say pointing a finger at his chest.

"how can you say that after everything that's happened" he says glaring down at me. I scoff at him

"how could I not, I did everything for you been everything for you and you almost killed me. more than one" I shot starting to cry.

"he what" Hennery says and only then do I remember he's in the room. My big mouth finally got the better of me.

"shit Nellie" Sweeney says taking out his razor and walking closer to Hennery

"wait a minute" Hennery says holding his hands up in surrender

"Sweeney don't you dare" I say getting mad again.

"you're the one who can't keep her mouth shut" he spits back at me and I know he's right although I don't like it.

"sorry love, make it clean Sweeney" I say and I turn my back away I here Sweeney cut his thought and a thud as Hennery falls to the ground.

"don't move" Sweeney says and I can hear him drag the body outside, I look over my shoulder there's not too much blood but it'll be a little tricky getting the bet that went on the booth. I pull out a pail and mop and start cleaning. I feel bad for the poor guy he was so nice. How is it that I manage to mess everything up?

"it's done" Sweeney says coming back in to the shop and I start to sob.

"I can't go on like this" I say thronging the broom down and looking back up at Sweeney his eyes soften a little.

"I'm sorry pet. For everything" he says coming close to me I lean in and kiss him he's surprised at first but quickly corrects himself.

"why can't I stay away from you" I say getting angry at myself as I take a step back

"you love me "he says simply a check smile coming across his face. I start to cry again. God I'm just an emotional mess.

"that's the problem" I say wiping the tears.

"it doesn't have to be. Nellie despite what. What you may think I do care for you maybe even have fillings for you" he says coming closer to me taking my hand in his.

"you do" I say a small smile playing across my face.

"yes I just, I feel bad. About Lucy like I'm betraying her" he says looking down at the floor. Poor thing always living in the past.

"I know dear but it all in the past" I say he nods having heard this before but it's the truth.

"I know" he says and I put the pail and mop away. My head is still pounding and I figure I should get to sleep seeing as Toby well be back some time tomorrow.

"well good night Mr. T" I say once everything is cleaned up.

"good night" he says and he goes back up to his shop. Once I'm in bed I think of everything that just happened today and surprisingly I think it went rather well. Sweeney was obviously jealous of Hennery which means he does care about me. He said so himself that he cares but I wonder if hell every be able to let go of Lucy.


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