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Ch19 Mrs. Lovett's POV

I sigh thinking about the past. But it is just that the past letting go of everything is hard but necessary. I forgave Abort a long time ago, not for him but for me I still hate him but day by day he becomes nothing more than an unpleasant memory. Setting some plats on the table me and toby start to eat when Sweeney comes down the hall his hair is an absolute mess but he looks more rested then he normally does.

"morning" I say smiling at him out of the corner of my eye I see Toby looking back and forth between Sweeney and I.

"morning" he says and a small smug smile crosses his lips. And he comes and sits in the booth next to me.

"mum can to go play outside for a little while before we open" toby asks braking my moment with Sweeney.

"go ahead love" I say and he runs out of the shop without another word. Sweeney leans over and kissing me passionately. I suppose after fifteen years he must have missed having a women's touch.

"your opening the shop" he asks after we brake are kiss. I nod my head too out of breath to speak.

"knowing you're here makes me feel safer" I explain after I catch my breath.

"I am here Nell" he says playing with a strand of my hair. I get him a quick brake fest and he heads up to open his shop. I go about the day he comes out of his shop to look around everyone in a while and we smile at each other. After the lunch crowd I send Toby to get more flower for the pie and I start making the filling when Sweeney scares the hell out of my turning me around to face him.

"Sweeney you scared me" I say hitting him playfully on the chest only then do I notice one hand is hidden behind his back

"sorry pet" he says laughing a little pulling me closer and kissing me.

"what's that you've got there" I say looking down at the arm hidden behind his back.

"close your eyes" he says. I obey and he turns me around I fell his hands wrap softly over my shoulders and knack. I can't help but think about that hurried night when he almost killed me. I take a deep breath and out calming myself down a little. I then think of last night and all the fear leaves my body.

"alright opened says and I open and look down at my chest and gasp. I look down to see a beautiful silver change holding a ruby rose that are surrounded with sparkling diamonds. How on earth could he afford this.

"oh Sweeney" I say and kiss him hard on the lips. I start to tear up a little

"what is it pet" Sweeney asks looking a little concerned that I'm crying.

"it's the first time anyone's ever done something so special for me" I say honestly. And Sweeney holds me close. Albert never got me gifts never got me anything really except the ring that is.

"I'm glad you like it" he says kissing the top of my head. I look up into his eyes there not as light as they used to be but there lighter then when he first came back. I kiss him again wrapping my arms around his neck he leans towards me Deeping the kiss running his hands along my body he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me to the parlor. Once there he lays me down on the couch moving his hands to undo my corset of my dress I hear the bell of the shop door open.

"mum" Toby calls out still in the dining aria

"just a minute dear" I say pushing Sweeney off of my I then hurry and redo the loos part of my course.

"hello dear" I say walking into the kitchen and dining aria.

"are we opening tonight" Toby asks looking at the ground. He always asks when he doesn't want to help or wants to do something. He is just a boy ten years old poor thing hasn't had much of a child hood.

"not to night lad" I say smiling at him I put the flower away. Sweeney walks in and get himself a glass of water. I notice he has a bit of lipstick on hid cheek from earlier and I start to panic. I don't want Toby to know about us just yet.

"could I spend the night at Georges" he asks his little face lighting up. George is his best friend and such a good boy.

"don't see why not be back by the lunch rush tomorrow" I say smiling I can't say no to the cute little face of his.

"I will thank you mum" he says wrapping his little arms around my waist then he runs out of the house. After he leaves Sweeney walks over putting his arms around me.

"that leaves us all alone tonight" he says his smiles that smug smile that makes me melt.

"I suppose it does" I say faking him and I start to play with the buttons on his shirt. I can't say no to this one either, not that I'd want to. Picking me up bridle stile he carries me to the bedroom closing the door behind us.

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