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Ch 37 Sweeney's POV

I sit in a chair in the parlor and watch nellie sleep her chest rising and falling slowly. She hasn't woken up since the doctor left. A child. My child. Oh god i could have killed our child i could have killed her. The women i love even more so the Lucy and i did this to her again. I sigh and put my head in my hands i sent toby to bed a little while ago he didn't want to leave me with Mrs Lovett but i didn't give him much of a choice. God what have i done. I go into the kitchen and grab the bottle of gin when i come back i see the couch empty.

"Nellie" i say walking to the couch the blanket is tossed aside on the floor. All of a subbed i fell a sharp sting on my neck from behind.

"Don't move" a female voice hisses at my looking down at the hand and sleeve i realize it's nellie.

"Oh god nellie you're ok i'm so sorr..." i get cut off when the blade of one of my razors is bushed a little further into my neck.

" don't speak. You're going to leave and you're not going to come back understand" she says her voice filled with anger and hate. I deserve this for all iv done to her.

"Nelli please im so sorry i don't know what happend to me" i say turning around out of her grip she backs up emidently holding the razor to protect herself.

"No you don't get to apologise your word then albert ever was and what's even harder is i loved you" she screams tears running down her face. She said loved as in past tense as in not anymore. I hang my head in shame as she wipes her tears.

"Nelli i'm sorry... " i say stepping forward but she points the razor at me

"Just leave" she says hate filing her voice as she glares at me through her tears. She must hate me. I hate me to.

" i got the doctor when i woke up i saw you there on the floor i don't remember much but when he came he said.... He said you were pregnant" i say as fast as i can before she cuts me off again her expression softens for just a moment before her eyes look back at me. I see such a sadness and bitterness in them it makes me want to cry.

" a child" she says i disbelief placing her hand over her stomach.

"Yes our child nelli" i say smiling a little i take a step closer and reach for her and but she flinches backing up dropping the razor

" just leave sweeney" she say coldly as a tear runs down her face.she looks so lost so hurt. I just want to hold her in my arms

" i love you nellie" i try again speaking as soft as i can so i don't scare her i grab her hand but the second i do she slps my face i feel the stinging pain.

"No you don't get to do that you lost that right the moment you hit me. God you're worse than albert. I hate you sweeny and i hate myself for loving you Just get out. She yells walking towards me she grabs a butcher knife from the table wear she makes her pies and points it at me. I've never seen her so angry so upset.

"Pet please just wait" i say backing up a little.

"Out" she screams and the second i open the door i hear the knife it and stick to the wooden frame where my head was only seconds before.

Can We Learn To Love Again ( Sweeny Todd Fand Fict)Where stories live. Discover now